Depends what you consider a 32-bit, 64-bit or 128-bit computer.
Till the popularization of using addressing space for 32-bit verses 64-bit comparisons. Most higher end computers (ie mainframes) used their largest register supported as a means to say what is their "bit" number irregardless of addressing abilities. Considering, all the data in the world can be addressed with a single 128-bit address space and leave us room to expand greatly our collective data storage needs.
128-bit processors could become prevalent as a method of addressing over 2^64 bits of information. Up to 2^128 could be directly addressed with 128 bits. That amount greatly exceeds the total data stored on Earth today (2010), which has been estimated to be around 1.2 zettabytes (over 270 bytes).
The IBM S/370 was a 128 bit computer in that regard. IBMs current Series i runs everything in 128-bits and then converts down to what ever the hardware being used is. So the move from 32-bit to 64-bit required no change in the software as it wont require a change into 128-bit addressable hardware.
Your graphics card runs a GPU that is 128-bit or 256-bit and even 512-bit in processing while calling up values from its RAM, instead of 64-bit wide values your CPU calls up, but the need for it to address that amount of memory does not exist hence why its not being further developed.