I want to use the same Makefile for compiling a static and a dynamic version of my code. The Problem I have is, I don´t want to use the PIC code for the static library and I would like to use the advantage of makefiles, to compile only these files which need to be compiled because of some change.
This all is not that hard, but I use a depend file (output from gcc -M) for my targets and I don´t know how to change the flags for gcc and also the output filename.
So I hope you get what I want. The solution I have is using a shell script and then imitate the behavior of a makefile, but I want to try to no doing this.
makefile for static AND dynamic library
Re: makefile for static AND dynamic library
Hi ,
I do not understand your question correctly, But what pervents you from having more than one targets ? You can have one target for building the library as a static one and the other for building it as dynamic one .
I do not understand your question correctly, But what pervents you from having more than one targets ? You can have one target for building the library as a static one and the other for building it as dynamic one .
Re: makefile for static AND dynamic library
Ok, this is one of my Makefiles:
The problem I have is that I need 2 object files from 1 source file with different CFLAGS (so that for the dynamic version I have "-fPIC" and for the static version I wont have it). As I include the depend file I can´t change the target or is there a way I don´t know?
Code: Select all
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -nostartfiles -fno-builtin -march=i586 -I../../../src/include -I../../../../include -fno-common
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -i
PREFIX = ../../../src/$(TYPE)/
SRCS = check.c init.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.c=%.o)
DEPENDFILE = .depend
MOD = amd-k5
TYPE = cpu
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(DEPENDFILE) $(MOD).ko
-include $(DEPENDFILE)
$(MOD).ko: $(OBJS) Makefile
$(LD) $(OBJS) -o $(MOD).ko $(LDFLAGS)
cp $(MOD).ko ../
-rm -f *.ko
-rm -f *.o
-rm -f *.s
-rm -f $(DEPENDFILE)
Re: makefile for static AND dynamic library
Hi ,
That's what I said , you can have two targets .I am spolied by Visual studio,long time since I have written build scripts by hand .Anyways , here is the plan , make 2 variables for everything you need . eg CFLAGSSHARED for shared library etc .
Let me modify your makefile and show it you (untested though !) .
, will make the static llibrary and will build the shared library .Pardon me if there is any error . I am also not so great at these things and certainly there are more elegant ways of doing this
That's what I said , you can have two targets .I am spolied by Visual studio,long time since I have written build scripts by hand .Anyways , here is the plan , make 2 variables for everything you need . eg CFLAGSSHARED for shared library etc .
Let me modify your makefile and show it you (untested though !) .
Code: Select all
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -nostartfiles -fno-builtin -march=i586 -I../../../src/include -I../../../../include -fno-common
CFLAGSSHARED = -O2 -Wall -fPIC -nostartfiles -fno-builtin -march=i586 -I../../../src/include -I../../../../include -fno-common
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -i
PREFIX = ../../../src/$(TYPE)/
SRCS = check.c init.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.c=%.o)
OBJSSHARED = $(SRCS:%.c=%s.o)
DEPENDFILE = .depend
MOD = amd-k5
TYPE = cpu
.PHONY: all clean
static: $(DEPENDFILE) $(MOD).ko
-include $(DEPENDFILE)
$(MOD).ko: $(OBJS) Makefile
$(LD) $(OBJS) -o $(MOD).ko $(LDFLAGS)
cp $(MOD).ko ../
shared: $(DEPENDSHARED) $(MOD).kp
-include $(DEPENDSHARED)
$(MOD).kp: $(OBJS) Makefile
$(LD) $(OBJS) -o $(MOD).kp $(LDFLAGS)
cp $(MOD).kp ../
-rm -f *.ko
Code: Select all
make static
Code: Select all
make shared
Re: makefile for static AND dynamic library
Thanks for your help, but it wont work this way
The problem is, that CFLAGS is an environment variable which is used when you use a target just to tell the dependencies, e.g.:
The make program will call gcc so (I think so):
And this is my problem. Even if I use grep/sed for making me 2 dependfiles out of one (to change the target filename), how can I change CFLAGS so that it 1 time compiles with "-fPIC" and 1 time without it?
So at the moment I try to read some tutorials on grep/sed to make me 2 dependfiles (with the right call to gcc and not just as I get it from gcc -M).
The problem is, that CFLAGS is an environment variable which is used when you use a target just to tell the dependencies, e.g.:
Code: Select all
test.o: ../src/test.c ../src/include/test.h ../../include/forall.h
Code: Select all
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o test.o ../src/test.c
So at the moment I try to read some tutorials on grep/sed to make me 2 dependfiles (with the right call to gcc and not just as I get it from gcc -M).
Re: makefile for static AND dynamic library
So if anyone is interested on my solution, here it is:
Now can come all the clever people to tell me the clever way
Code: Select all
CC = i586-elf-gcc
LD = i586-elf-ld
CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -nostartfiles -fno-builtin -march=i586 -I$(PREFIX)include -I../../../include -fno-common
PREFIX = ../src/
SRCS = timer.c
OBJS_STATIC = $(SRCS:%.c=%.static.o)
OBJS_SHARED = $(SRCS:%.c=%.shared.o)
DEPENDFILE = .depend
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(DEPENDFILE) lib$(LIBNAME).a lib$(LIBNAME).so
sed -e 's/\.o:/\.static.o:/' -e 's/\.h$$\|\.c$$/&\n\t\$$\(CC\) \$$\(CFLAGS\) -c -o \$$@ \$$</' $(DEPENDFILE) > $(DEPENDFILE)_static
sed -e 's/\.o:/\.shared.o:/' -e 's/\.h$$\|\.c$$/&\n\t\$$\(CC\) \$$\(CFLAGS\) -fPIC -c -o \$$@ \$$</' $(DEPENDFILE) > $(DEPENDFILE)_shared
-include $(DEPENDFILE)_static
lib$(LIBNAME).a: $(OBJS_STATIC) Makefile
ar rcs lib$(LIBNAME).a $(OBJS)
cp lib$(LIBNAME).a ../../
-include $(DEPENDFILE)_shared
lib$(LIBNAME).so: $(OBJS_SHARED) Makefile
$(LD) -shared -o lib$(LIBNAME).so $(OBJS)
cp lib$(LIBNAME).so ../../
-rm -f $(DEPENDFILE)*
-rm -f lib$(LIBNAME).*
-rm -f *.o
-rm -f *.s