I've just started up a new Debian package repository on my server, to share with everybody the cross-compilers I've been building. I figure the lower the barrier of entry to having a working cross-compiler, the more people will do it. I've tested these packages working with Debian GNU/Linux Stable, but should work with any distro of Debian (Testing, Unstable), and might even work with Ubuntu (but no guarantees).
The repository is located at http://helium.fooproject.net/debian/
To use it, add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list
Code: Select all
deb http://helium.fooproject.net/debian/ stable main
Naming of the packages is thus: osdev-crosscompiler-$TARGET, for example, osdev-crosscompiler-i586-elf. Normal Debian package repository magic will ensure you have the package for the right type of host system (once I get around to building them).
Eventually I hope to have targets for i586-elf, x86_64-elf, powerpc-elf, and whatever anybody else suggests. I hope to have host packages for i386, amd64, powerpc, plus whatever else anybody suggests. To "suggest" a package (host/target combination), send me a PM. Bribes of cookies and/or money will get things done quicker.
Each package puts it's files in /usr/cross/$TARGET, so you can have multiple cross-compilers co-existing on the one system. In addition, Debian magical trickery automatically installs all the right stuff in the $PATH, so it'll compile stuff right out of the box. Each package will contain compilers for C and C++, plus the matching binutils.
It's pretty proof-of-concept right now, so try it out, break it, complain, and so on. It *shouldn't* break your system, but I still wouldn't use it on a production server. No warranty given.
There is now a wiki page, currently located at http://wiki.osdev.org/User:Jackscott/GC ... bian_Linux.
Have fun.