Dev C++ tutorial.
Re:Dev C++ tutorial.
Here . I'll write one.
Part 1: make a menu resource. I assume that, since you're using DevC++, you're writing resource files in text format. If you have a graphical editor, use that and skip this part.
In your resource.h file:
In your .RC file:
This code should now compile with your resource compiler, which, I believe, is called windres. Alternatively you can use the rc program included in the Platform SDK.
Part 2: load the menu in your program. #include "resource.h" in your source file.
Three possible ways to use the menu:
1) Set WNDCLASS.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU) before you call RegisterClass.
2) Call LoadMenu and pass a menu handle to CreateWindow.
3) Call LoadMenu and SetMenu after the window has been created (e.g. in WM_CREATE).
I'd say (1) was the easiest way. With (2) and (3), don't forget to call DestroyMenu on the menu handle after your program exits.
Part 3: handling menu commands. Menu commands get passed to the window with the WM_COMMAND message. LOWORD(wParam) gives you the command ID; this will be one of the ID_FILE_NEW, ID_FILE_OPEN etc. constants. If you create a toolbar as well, you can reuse the same IDs and you won't need to handle the menu and toolbar separately.
Extra tips:
-- Don't forget to set WNDCLASS.hInstance if you're using option (1) above
-- To display a line in the status bar for each command, handle WM_MENUSELECT. Define a string in your string table for each command ID (re-using the same IDs). In your WM_MENUSELECT handler, load the appropriate string using LoadString and display it on your status bar.
-- Menu bar IDs (and resource IDs in general) can be either strings or numbers. Here I've used a number, because resource.h has a #define line for IDR_MENU. The resource compiler sees this as a number. If I didn't put in a #define for IDR_MENU then the resource compiler would see the name as a string. There's an important difference here: for numerical IDs (including names defined in resource.h) you have to use MAKEINTRESOURCE; for string IDs you use a normal quoted string name. In the example above, using "IDR_MENU" wouldn't work, but MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU) does.
Hope I've answered any questions; if I've misunderstood your question then I've just written a load of stuff for no reason .
Part 1: make a menu resource. I assume that, since you're using DevC++, you're writing resource files in text format. If you have a graphical editor, use that and skip this part.
In your resource.h file:
Code: Select all
#define IDR_MENU 101
#define ID_FILE_NEW 40001
#define ID_FILE_OPEN 40002
#define ID_FILE_SAVE 40003
#define ID_FILE_SAVEAS 40004
#define ID_FILE_EXIT 40005
#define ID_HELP_ABOUT 40006
Code: Select all
#include "resource.h"
POPUP "&File"
POPUP "&Help"
Part 2: load the menu in your program. #include "resource.h" in your source file.
Three possible ways to use the menu:
1) Set WNDCLASS.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU) before you call RegisterClass.
2) Call LoadMenu and pass a menu handle to CreateWindow.
3) Call LoadMenu and SetMenu after the window has been created (e.g. in WM_CREATE).
I'd say (1) was the easiest way. With (2) and (3), don't forget to call DestroyMenu on the menu handle after your program exits.
Part 3: handling menu commands. Menu commands get passed to the window with the WM_COMMAND message. LOWORD(wParam) gives you the command ID; this will be one of the ID_FILE_NEW, ID_FILE_OPEN etc. constants. If you create a toolbar as well, you can reuse the same IDs and you won't need to handle the menu and toolbar separately.
Extra tips:
-- Don't forget to set WNDCLASS.hInstance if you're using option (1) above
-- To display a line in the status bar for each command, handle WM_MENUSELECT. Define a string in your string table for each command ID (re-using the same IDs). In your WM_MENUSELECT handler, load the appropriate string using LoadString and display it on your status bar.
-- Menu bar IDs (and resource IDs in general) can be either strings or numbers. Here I've used a number, because resource.h has a #define line for IDR_MENU. The resource compiler sees this as a number. If I didn't put in a #define for IDR_MENU then the resource compiler would see the name as a string. There's an important difference here: for numerical IDs (including names defined in resource.h) you have to use MAKEINTRESOURCE; for string IDs you use a normal quoted string name. In the example above, using "IDR_MENU" wouldn't work, but MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU) does.
Hope I've answered any questions; if I've misunderstood your question then I've just written a load of stuff for no reason .
Re:Dev C++ tutorial.
yah you answered it , so now I have the menubar code, now I need the whole tutorial of Dev C++