Just wondering, but has anyone ported it to their OS, is it even possible? Just curious.
Yes DexOS as a Brainfuck port, its the easiest to port out of all the languages
Note they can be very small, example of a 128byte dos BrainFuck compile.
Assembly is cool
Note they can be very small, example of a 128byte dos BrainFuck compile.
Code: Select all
; bf.asm - Tiny BrainFuck compiler (128 bytes)
; Robert Oestling
; nasm -f bin bf.asm -o
; bf < >
; The length of the output file is fixed, programs larger than 19201 bytes
; will NOT run very well. Programs using more than 510 bytes of memory
; niether. Maximum length of jumps is about 128 bytes. Unlike certain other
; implementations, I do check for EOF. 8086 compatible code (I hope).
; Here are some other more or less tiny brainfuck compilers:
; Name Size Comments
; ==========================================================================
; Jeffry Johnston 123 '@' is EOF. Cheater. 16-bit jumps.
; INT-E 136 16-bit jumps, variable output size. 386+ - Cheater.
; Ben Olmstead 331 16-bit jumps (I think). 286+
; ==========================================================================
[section .text]
org 0x100
mov di,code_buffer+6 ; Where the compiled code goes.
xor bx,bx ; stdin.
mov ah,0x3f ; Read from file.
mov cl,1 ; One byte.
mov dx,di ; Right after the last compiled data
int 0x21
inc bx ; stdout.
dec ax ; Not EOF? (i.e. one byte read?)
jz .not_eof
mov al,0xc3 ; "ret"
stosb ; Compile it.
mov ah,0x40 ; Write to file.
mov dl,0x7a ; dx = code_buffer..
; Note, if anything doesn't work after you modified the file, check
; this number first!
mov ch,0x4b ; This byte means "dec bx". Ugly? :)
int 0x21 ; Write and quit.
cmp byte[di],'['
jz .loop_start
cmp byte[di],']'
jz .loop_end
mov si,list ; Load instruction table into si.
xchg ax,cx ; cl = size, ch = instruction.
lodsb ; al = address (low 8 bits).
mov ah,1 ; High 8 bits of address always 1.
or ch,ch ; Last entry?
jz .read_byte ; Yes, unknown instruction (comment).
cmp ch,[di] ; Is it the one we're looking for?
jnz .next_try ; Nope, try again.
xchg ax,si ; Yes, address of code into si,
mov ch,0 ; cx = cl (length of code).
rep movsb ; Copy code.
jmp short .read_byte
push di ; Save current address.
mov al,0xeb
stosw ; Compile short jump, address filled
jmp short .read_byte ; in later.
pop ax ; Get address to patch+maybe jump to.
push ax ; Save it again.
mov si,code_loop ; Conditional jump code.
movsw ; Copy first 2 bytes of it.
sub ax,di ; Calculate relative jump back.
movsb ; Copy last byte of jump code.
stosb ; Copy relative jump address.
neg al
sub al,4 ; Relative jump _forward_ (for patch)
pop si ; si = address of jump to patch.
mov byte[si+bx],al ; bx is always 1 here.
jmp short .read_byte
inc byte[bx]
dec byte[bx]
mov al,[bx]
int 0x29
db 1,'>'
db 0x0d
db 1,'<'
db 0x19
db 2,'+'
db 0x57
db 2,'-'
db 0x59
db 4,'.'
db 0x5b
db 6,','
db 0x71
mov ah,0x00 ; 00 shows that the list is over.
int 0x16
mov [bx],al
cmp [bx],ch ; ch is always 0 run-time.
db 0x75 ; jnz ...
code_buffer: ; Runtime initialization code:
mov bh,0x7f ; bx = 0x7f00 (middle of segment)
mov di,bx ; di = 0x7f00
rep stosw ; cx = 0x00ff, only 1/2kB is zeroed
Last edited by Dex on Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I did not port it, it was a member of Team DexOS called Solidus117, i work 100% on the kernel and theres a Team of people who have add stuff.
This is because they all part own it, plus they can fit it in when they have spare time.
Note we do not only have coders, some member look after the forum, other translate
Doc etc.
This is because they all part own it, plus they can fit it in when they have spare time.
Note we do not only have coders, some member look after the forum, other translate
Doc etc.
The code for DexOS's brainfuck interpreter is here if it will help.
Its a minimalist programming language
Very, Very MinimalDex wrote:Its a minimalist programming language