Disclaimer: Having a bad day today. On a better day I would have worded this in a friendlier way; the opinion remains the same though. Constructive criticism from my fellow moderators welcome.
Administrator2004 wrote:
solar why do answer all questions like this?(please don't answer or if you want to answer please <<< say something that others benefit from not to distract others like me or...?""thank you""
Dude, it's an attitude problem. (And it's not me having it, and yes I
did take offense at your last post.)
"I want to know about filesystem and it's procedures." - that is not a question that
can be answered. I could link documentation of <stdio.h> or <iostream>, on the AmigaOS dos.library, the Win32 file access API, ext2fs, ReiserFS, or other existing FS. I could link to papers on database-centric file systems, networking file systems, distributed file systems...
You know, I like artillery games, where you fire a shot somewhere, see where it lands, and then adjust direction, elevation, and power until you get close to the target.
In a forum like this, I prefer questions that allow people to get right to the point without firing a dozen tracer rounds to find out what you're about. Pype generally is more patient in this regard. My bad.
Besides, sometimes questions like yours give me the impression that the person asking the question didn't spend any significant time in doing research on prior art. Discussing at that level, I consider fruitless.
If that "distracts" you, too bad. Your questions distract
me, because when I read the topic, I thought there might be someone having an actual problem, or wanting to discuss an actual design of his, not a general "let's talk about it but don't go into the details" type of thread.
Sorry but that's my opinion.