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C++ Kernel

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 12:00 am
by krillzip
Does anyone know about a microkernel written in C++.
Need code to learn from

RE:C++ Kernel

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 12:00 am
by J. Weeks
>On 2002-02-07 07:52:19, krillzip wrote:
>Does anyone know about a microkernel written in C++.
>Need code to learn from

There's tons dude! Just do a search for
object oriented kernel.

Just looking at the links off this page yeilds
a couple (I know its a far click away, right up
on top there ;)

Personally, I'd check out o3one. Depsite his
overwhelming and annoying use of "hax0r" lingo
(anybody know a _GOOD_ hacker that actually
talks/writes like this!? Didn't think so...)
there's a lot of good code there.

It's written in C, yes, but its object oriented.
Understanding and reimplementing the concepts in
C++ should be trivial (assuming you know C++)

As for commercial OSs, take a look at the BeOS.
It's got an incredible C++ system. QNX, I believe,
is still written in C, but it's object oriented
as well.

Granted, you can't get the sources to either of
the above, but you can gleam ideas from them.


PS: There's no formula to an OS, dude! Get a plan
and go with it! If it doesn't work, revise it.
Delve right in! That's the fun part!!!

RE:C++ Kernel

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 12:00 am
by The Legend
>On 2002-02-07 19:09:25, J. Weeks wrote:
>>On 2002-02-07 07:52:19, krillzip wrote:
>It's written in C, yes, but its object oriented.
>Understanding and reimplementing the concepts in
>C++ should be trivial (assuming you know C++)
Well, check out how the C++ run time library works,
for example, how new and delete are implemented!