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Manual about IDT?
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:15 pm
by Vladaz
Do anybody knows a manual about programming IDT on C? I mean, i read a manual on Bona Fide's and there was about programming idt on asm and it was i think just writted a start of IDT. But is there somewhere a manual about full manual about IDT, exceptions, interrupts and all examples in c? ???
Re:Manual about IDT?
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:42 pm
by Brandon
If you read the tutorial on Interrupts/IDT/IRQS on Bona Fide, in the last article the author?s publishing a link to a very small kernel implementing the stuff you?re asking for, it?s very well commented and easy to follow. The kernel is written in C, except for the ISR that has to be written in assembler.
Re:Manual about IDT?
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:48 pm
by Brendan
Vladaz wrote:
Do anybody knows a manual about programming IDT on C? I mean, i read a manual on Bona Fide's and there was about programming idt on asm and it was i think just writted a start of IDT. But is there somewhere a manual about full manual about IDT, exceptions, interrupts and all examples in c? ???
Yes - there is a manual that covers everything you need to know, with all of the details on what every bit in the IDT does, what causes each exception and what any error codes mean, and the low-level details for interrupt handling (stack usage, effect on eflags/IF, interrupt gates, trap gates and task gates, etc). Unfortunately there's no examples, but you shouldn't really need them once you understand the rest. This manual is called "IA-32 Intel? Architecture Software Developer?s Manual Volume 3: System Programming Guide".
The only other things this manual doesn't cover is the PIC chips (and IO APICs), which device/s might be connected to each IRQ line, and OS dependant details.
Is there something specific that you're having trouble with?
Re:Manual about IDT?
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:00 am
by Vladaz
Yeah, i know about that idt kernel example, i've downloaded it and looked at it, but there is not everything commented, but I think I need to read everything again ;D
Re:Manual about IDT?
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 6:57 am
by Brandon
ALmost everything implemented in the kernel is mentioned in the tutorial, look through the source carefully and use the tutorial to get it explained