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Having a chat room in site works better than forum!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:05 am
by Administrator2004
"Author":please please and please code(write) a new chat room for site members.

Thank you.

Re:Having a chat room in site works better than forum!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:14 am
by Candy
Administrator2004 wrote: "Author":please please and please code(write) a new chat room for site members.

Thank you.
Point one, most chats don't have a readable log
Point two, from chat logs you can't remove spam / people posting things they shouldn't
Point three, chats don't lend for multiple subjects at a time
Point four, why in gods name do you explain a meaning of the word "code" on an OS devers forum? where did you get the idea that OS development was not in any way related to coding? You must've come from a different site, where they only design and never actually do something with the designs.
Point five, OS devers are from around the world and not quite thick enough within one area of the world to fill a chat channel regularly, or even be able to respond to each other because they sleep while the other is awake
Point six, chats don't lend well to code quotes
Point seven, OS development requires actual thought (not just following tutorials), and might even require you to code insensely for hours at a piece. There's no way you can combine that with a chat window
Point eight, most, or at least some, post here during lunch breaks at work or at school. That works terribly with chats.
Point nine, some providers block access to chat, mainly company providers. Web is opener.

Personal things:
1. why is your nick administrator? If youre one, make your own site / chat.
2. If the people here wanted to chat they would open a chat site.
3. Don't command us to go chat, if you really wanted to drive your opinion through, make a poll and find some proof that anybody agrees with the chat idea. I for one don't.
4. why do I bother writing this? You'll probably not return at this rate
5. This belongs in the general/offtopic forum. This is not related to OS dev. If you want an OS dev chat channel, place comments in your post about it and it might remain here.
6. If you can't be bothered to look around long enough to find out who the admin is (either Chris Cromer or DF) you probably haven't been around for long. Stay around and convince yourself of the advantages of a forum.

Re:Having a chat room in site works better than forum!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:32 am
by Administrator2004
First::You can write scripts(chat) in a way that removes spam and ...();
Second::I said it's better,I don't think that I've said:"YOU HAVE TO ..."();
Third::Do you answer all like this?&& ...();

Thank you for your patience();

Re:Having a chat room in site works better than forum!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:32 am
by Pype.Clicker
still this is a forum, with over 4 years of history and countless topics. We can search it. we can cross-ref it. we can manage it.