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Just an Idea

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 7:49 pm
by Jason
My O.S. doesn't uses virtual memory, but I would like to use the pageing hardware on the x86 to give each application one long spread of memory (only within physical limitaions of course). I understand the mechanics of this (thanks to the intel manuals), but there is one thing I'am getting stumped on.
My O.S. I uses call gates to enter the O.S. would I have to turn off pageing as I don't want my O.S. to be part of the pageing mechanisum.
The O.S. resides in the first 1mb, with the rest being set aside for application use.

Thanks for any help :)

Re:Just an Idea

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:52 pm
by Brendan
Jason wrote: My O.S. I uses call gates to enter the O.S. would I have to turn off pageing as I don't want my O.S. to be part of the pageing mechanisum.
The O.S. resides in the first 1mb, with the rest being set aside for application use.
You could "identity map" the first 1 Mb of memory, so that the first 1 Mb of every address space is the same as physical memory. That way your call gates will still work.



Re:Just an Idea

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:08 am
by Jason
Thanks for the help :)