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Problems with DJGPP and NASM

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 5:25 am
by Magmadragoon
I am using Windows 98 to do operating system programming. I was trying to use the tutorial Writing a Simple C Kernel by Joachim Nock & K.J. When I try to use NASM the program opens then closes very quickly and when I try to compile the C kernel in Rhide editor it comes with the errors:

cannot specify -o with -c or -s and multiple compilations

I have no experience eith DJGPP and NASM. I only have experience in Visual C++.

Re:Problems with DJGPP and NASM

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 5:43 am
by Pype.Clicker
-o "file" says the output should be "file"
-c says the "myFile.c" should become "myFile.o" which can fit later linking.

Saying "make one .o file out of one .c file" simply doesn't fit the "many inputs" approach .. so several calls to GCC must be done to get the *.o out of the *.c ... which is basically the purpose of makefiles...