Scroll lock light
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:25 pm
Please can anybody help me :'(
Created a simple boot image. Works fine. The next step is to enter protected mode. Just to make sure I was in protected mode I thought I would create a simple routine in turning on the scroll lock key light when I entered protected mode. Tested it before making the switch nothing happens.....
Now as a guide I have been using the book "The Undocumented PC"
So I made sure the keyboard buffer was empty before sending any command. Sent the relivant information but still no luck
Here is the code used.
;;This next thing is just a test....
in al,0x64
jmp $+2
test al,2
jz short Ok
jmp short Loop66
mov al,0xed
out 0x60,al
;jmp $+2 ;Clear prefetch que!!!
mov al,0x01
out 0x60,al
;;End test.
Now I have heard somewhere that you have to make a delay after sending any commands to the I/O ports is this true
Thanks in advance
Created a simple boot image. Works fine. The next step is to enter protected mode. Just to make sure I was in protected mode I thought I would create a simple routine in turning on the scroll lock key light when I entered protected mode. Tested it before making the switch nothing happens.....
Now as a guide I have been using the book "The Undocumented PC"
So I made sure the keyboard buffer was empty before sending any command. Sent the relivant information but still no luck
Here is the code used.
;;This next thing is just a test....
in al,0x64
jmp $+2
test al,2
jz short Ok
jmp short Loop66
mov al,0xed
out 0x60,al
;jmp $+2 ;Clear prefetch que!!!
mov al,0x01
out 0x60,al
;;End test.
Now I have heard somewhere that you have to make a delay after sending any commands to the I/O ports is this true
Thanks in advance