Assembling a boot sector using Cygwin GAS - feasible or not?
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 4:29 pm
The other day, I added a link in a FAQ page to the GAS End User's Help Project web page, and while reading through the page, I noticed that the message board had several references to writing a boot sector in GAS. Apparently, this is, or was, considered a major topic of the group. However, the boot sectors listed were not, generally speaking, very good.
Out of curiosity, I decided to try converted a recent version of my own VERBUM bootloader demo to AT&T syntax; I figured I needed the practice at GAS assembly anyway, and I hoped I could provide it to them to help them out. The code conversion was actually fairly simple; and in fact much of it was done with a few search and replace passes. Once I started trying to assemble it, I did learn a few interesting things. First, the AT&T equivalents of certain NASM idioms did not work as I expected. For example, you cannot use
[tt]spacing: .skip (0x1fe - (. - boot_offset)[/tt]
to space the end code (.space cannot use a varible value like the '.' directive); however, I found that
[tt] .= 0x01fe[/tt]
did the job nicely, resetting the origin to the last two bytes of the sector. I also found that macros did not work quite as I expected; I ended up hand-inserting the code that I'd used macros for in NASM, figuring to get back to them later.
Interestingly, the GAS code assembled to a larger image than the NASM code did; I had to trim the message strings in order to get it to fit within the size constraints if the second '.=' statement. Looking into it furher, I found that the NASM code was larger than I expected; filling up almost the whole available space. This was particualrly disturbing since I was planning on re-writing VERBUM to work as a FAT12 loader, and had just added the BPB in order to support it. I will have to look into the code to see why it is so inefficent.
Having done this, I was able to assemble the code into a 35k PE object file. Since I would need a raw binary, my next step was to try using objcopy to strip the relocation information. In order to do that, I would have to link it and to produce a complete PE executable first. Since I expected that I would need to edit the source file eventually, I wrote a makefile for it:
As you can see, the idea was to remove everything texcept the .text section. However (after some fiddling with the linker arguments to get it to work correctly), the result was a 32K file in an inderterminate format, which needless to say, did not work when I tried inserting it into a test boot image for BOCHS.
Does anyone else have any experience in using gas to produce raw binaries? I am doing something wrong in the assemlber call? I the linker call? in the objcopy call? Is the problem related to the fact that Cygwin produces PE files instead of ELF?
This isn't a critical issue, as I will probably go back to using NASM for the near future. I would, however, be interested in the answers. The text of the assembler code file is attached.
Out of curiosity, I decided to try converted a recent version of my own VERBUM bootloader demo to AT&T syntax; I figured I needed the practice at GAS assembly anyway, and I hoped I could provide it to them to help them out. The code conversion was actually fairly simple; and in fact much of it was done with a few search and replace passes. Once I started trying to assemble it, I did learn a few interesting things. First, the AT&T equivalents of certain NASM idioms did not work as I expected. For example, you cannot use
[tt]spacing: .skip (0x1fe - (. - boot_offset)[/tt]
to space the end code (.space cannot use a varible value like the '.' directive); however, I found that
[tt] .= 0x01fe[/tt]
did the job nicely, resetting the origin to the last two bytes of the sector. I also found that macros did not work quite as I expected; I ended up hand-inserting the code that I'd used macros for in NASM, figuring to get back to them later.
Interestingly, the GAS code assembled to a larger image than the NASM code did; I had to trim the message strings in order to get it to fit within the size constraints if the second '.=' statement. Looking into it furher, I found that the NASM code was larger than I expected; filling up almost the whole available space. This was particualrly disturbing since I was planning on re-writing VERBUM to work as a FAT12 loader, and had just added the BPB in order to support it. I will have to look into the code to see why it is so inefficent.
Having done this, I was able to assemble the code into a 35k PE object file. Since I would need a raw binary, my next step was to try using objcopy to strip the relocation information. In order to do that, I would have to link it and to produce a complete PE executable first. Since I expected that I would need to edit the source file eventually, I wrote a makefile for it:
Code: Select all
ASM = D:\Dev-Cpp\bin\as.exe
LINKER = D:\Dev-Cpp\bin\ld.exe
STRIP = D:\Dev-Cpp\bin\objcopy.exe
STRIPARGS = -j .text -S -O binary
SRC = verbum-0_2_0.s
verbum: verbum.bin
???$(STRIP) $(STRIPARGS) verbum.bin verbum
verbum.bin: verbum.o
???$(LINKER) -Ttext 7c00 verbum.o -o verbum.bin
verbum.o: $(SRC)
???$(ASM) $(SRC) -o verbum.o
Does anyone else have any experience in using gas to produce raw binaries? I am doing something wrong in the assemlber call? I the linker call? in the objcopy call? Is the problem related to the fact that Cygwin produces PE files instead of ELF?
This isn't a critical issue, as I will probably go back to using NASM for the near future. I would, however, be interested in the answers. The text of the assembler code file is attached.