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How to Write a OS Step by Step??

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:13 pm
by schhaozi
I am a leaner. :-[Is there any anticle that show how to write OS step by step. ;D

Re:How to Write a OS Step by Step??

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:05 pm
by Schol-R-LEA
Not as such, no; the closest thing to that would be books like MMURTL 1.0 or Operating Systems: Design and Implementation (see the Book Recommendations thread for the details of these).

While Emmanuel Marty made a valiant attempt at it in So You Want to Write an OS and Climbing the Kernel Mountain], OS design is far too large a topic to cover in an article, or even a series of articles. However, there are today a vast number of resources on the web which discuss separate parts of OS design; see the .:Quicklinks:. thread for pointers to several of them, and especially read the OS Developers FAQ to get a sense of what you need to do and where to find the resources you need.

Finally, not to put to fine a point on it, but you may want to read the Asking Useful Questions HOWTO for advice on how to get the most out of forums like these (yes, I know it's by Ego Slut Raymond, but the advice actually is pretty good - just teasing, Eric!). HTH.

Oh, and don't worry about being a newbie; OS design is a field with very few old hands, and even they are always finding out new things they didn't know. Welcome to the forum.