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Printed Intel Manuals?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 4:24 pm
by Ryan S.
Is there anywhere you can order a printed copy of the Intel manuals? I looked into printing them myself, would cost $150 to have Kinko's print+bind them (~2300 pages), printing them on a HP-2200dn would cost about $100. I would have thought Intel would offer a printed version but I wasn't able to find a way to order printed versions of their documents.

Re:Printed Intel Manuals?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 7:12 pm
by Ozguxxx
hey about 2-3 months ago maybe more than that, somebody posted the link to order intel IA32 books from Intel for free -I remember becuase I ordered from that link- but I could not find the thread now, can somebody post it again? BTW I really could not get used to search feature in that forum, well just a little feedback :)...

Re:Printed Intel Manuals?

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 12:31 am
by Candy
Ryan S. wrote: Is there anywhere you can order a printed copy of the Intel manuals? I looked into printing them myself, would cost $150 to have Kinko's print+bind them (~2300 pages), printing them on a HP-2200dn would cost about $100. I would have thought Intel would offer a printed version but I wasn't able to find a way to order printed versions of their documents.
For free even. But:
Printed copies of the Intel? IA-32 Architecture Software Developer Manuals are not available at this time.
see also:

Re:Printed Intel Manuals?

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 4:20 am
by virusx
You can download everything from here.

best of luck

Re:Printed Intel Manuals?

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:02 am
by Therx
Printed copies of the Intel? IA-32 Architecture Software Developer Manuals are not available at this time.

Re:Printed Intel Manuals?

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 3:47 pm
by Pype.Clicker
hmm. i think you missed the point here. If he can count how much it cost him to print the whole thing, Ryan certainly has them as PDF, but was looking for a cheaper way to get them *printed* on paper :P

Re:Printed Intel Manuals?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:47 am
by srg
Hmm Well with the Intel 386 Reference Programmers Manual, I just printed it on my laser printer, didn't take long either. I print loads and loads of these big PDF manuals with it.

After printing, I just hole punch them and put them each in their own Lever Arch File (or ring binder if their small enough).

For a 1000 page document (I've never printed anything quite this big) it would cost me approx ?5 for the paper (more if my toner runs out).

BTW If your going to do this, duplexing (printing on both sides) is and absolute must!!
