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(Embedded) Operating Systems

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:00 am
by MaxK
Hello, Im new on this forum. (1st post)

I was wondering, since many people started working on their own petite operating systems, why I havent read anyone saying that he or she is gonna write it to run on an device like a ppc or palm or some oversized math calculator, or something embedded?

Writing an true dynamic OS for the PC is probably undoable when your team counts 1 person.

Frankly, I myself am coding something in the shades of an OS too.
But thats because my goal is to write a tiny os for a tiny platform. Not the PC.

Id like to hear if people on this forum would like to form an OS development group not aiming for PC usage.

*** A portable OS **
So it could be used perhaps on a PC, great for debugging reasons too.

Flame me :D

Re: (Embedded) Operating Systems

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:00 am
by [AlAdDiN]
i'm developing my OS for x86 architecture because i can get ot of documentation, but my OS will be portable since i separed all arch specific code from high level code.
my goal is not to run my OS on a PC, but to run it on another tiny platform

btw : i m currently working on GB advance port nut i need more docs ;)

Re: (Embedded) Operating Systems

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:00 am
by carbonBased
I'm always keeping embedded systems in mind when developing my OS. Embedded systems are where it's at, now-a-days, and they're so very intriguing to me (I'm work as an embedded systems developer).

I've recently reworked/redesigned/rewritten parts of my OS to be more portable to different architectures. Currently, I'm like the majority of people on this list in that I'm writting for Intel systems... however, this is merely for convenience.

Embedded systems design can be painfully slow. I'd rather write a portable OS, and develop on Intel, and then port to the actual embedded platform (of interest to me as StrongArm, PPC, IPod, 68k, etc...). Btw, with the microATX motherboards, Intel can be somewhat considered embedded as well...

Which embedded platforms are of interest to other people here? And what documentation have people found? I'd definitly be interested in carrying on some threads about non-Intel boxes.


Re: (Embedded) Operating Systems

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:00 am
by AlexGO
I have started to work with a homemade
embedded system based on 68k.
(Because it's cheap)

For the moment it will only boot the CPU
and show a tiny message on a LCD screen.
Got some problem with implementing a video
interface. Anybody who got a clue on how to
add a video interface with at least 320x240
256 colors.

Re: (Embedded) Operating Systems

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:00 am
by MaxK
moto rola?

Thats 2mips @ 20MHz device?

bah :)

maybe theres a way to implement a s impple slave microcontroller for stuffing data fom video sram to the lcd.

the cpu writes to the sram and halts the slave mcu when writing to the lcdmemory.

Re: (Embedded) Operating Systems

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:00 am
by dave68
easiest way may have been to use a ^*K with a quilt in graphics controller such as one of the dragonball devices used in early PALMs and others. But if you do not have the flexibility of choosing the CPU, then maybe one of the current range of mobile phone graphics devices - (seiko-epson make several) woud suffice

Re: (Embedded) Operating Systems

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:00 am
by dave68
oops, that should have read 68k in the previous item