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IBM linux commercials

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:30 am
by mr. xsism
i'm sure just about everyone has seen these commercials. They are inspring and entertaining. I mean come on, muhammad ali!? Rock.

But what about how linux was created. The following is a proposal for IBM(or another media capable org) to create a prelude to their commercials...

Commercials starts with an overhead view that moves slowly to the ground. A young man is walking and the camera is following him as it lowers. The camera follows this young man through the entry doors of a college, down the halls, to a drinking fountain(where the he takes a drink), and then to a classroom full of students. The young man walks in; he is 2 mins late. He quickly takes a seat and opens his books. The professor is frustrated. "Mr. Torvalds!", the professor says in a extended call at the young man. "Late Again? This cannot become a habit for you in MY classroom." Linus say," Sorry about that. It won't happen again."

Now the teacher begins a lecture. Linus is starring off in space. He is day dreaming. The camera pans the classroom and then returns focus to Linus. The scene changes. Linus is laughing and walking along gazing into the eyes of a girl. They stop at her front door. "I had a great time with you tonight Linus," the vibrant young girl says. "So did I,Unix" whispered Linus. "Do you want to come in Linus?" "Sure," he says. The scene changes to inside her room. They are both under the covers. Motions are seen for a brief second, the camer zooms out, leaving the room.

Next scene, Linus is clearly upset. Unix is walking away with her head down. They have clearly broken their relationship. Linus just can't have Unix at the price of his educational life. He has to make a decision; either Unix or School. He chose School. Now the scene changes to a desk where Linus is frantically pacing outside the door of a hospital ER. A doctor walks out from the ER and asks him to come inside. "Mr. Torvalds, congratulations! It's a boy!" The baby was small and skronny. Not full of vigor, yet calm. It wasn't even crying. His teacher was with him. He said,"your child will be great. But I think you can learn a few things from my kid." "Thanks professor Tanenbaum, but I think he is just fine." A delivery nurse looks at the baby and then at Linus,"What will you name him?" "I will name him Linux, after me."

The scene changes. Unix is sick and dying. She has cancer. The camera pans around her as she sits in her rocking chair. She is looking at pictures of Linux. She grows angery. "Why did you take him from me Linus!!!" Her boyfriend, Mike Rowsoph, conforts her,"don't worry SCO i'll help you get Linux back." "No, I don't want Linux, I just need the child support money" she says in a fragile voice. Well okay then, I don't like Linux much anyway. We'll get some money out of it."

The scene changes to a court room. Unix has taken Linus to trial for custody over Linux. But she looses since she gave up rights to Linux. Court is ajourned after the judge declares the trial over.

The scene now is Linus and Linux playing in a field. Running about, the camera pans the horizon as they giggle and run about in the distance. Finally they sit down. "Linux," says Linus,"I have helped you grow and develop a lot lately..." Linux looks at Linus in a puzzled face," I know dad." "Well," Linus continues,"I just need to let you know that you are growing up and you are just like all the other big goys." "Yeah, Mac and I have become really good friends!" says Linux. "Yes, and it is friends like Mac that will help you grow more. That means I won't be able to help you much more than I already have." "Oh dad, I love you. I understand, too. Don't worry, one day when everyone sees how great I am, they will say,'Hey there's Linus' Boy. He's wonderful. So much more respectful that Mike Rowsoph's son. He is so rebillious, defective, and vulnerable." "Yeah, I guess you're right son. I love you my boy." Linus puts his arm around Linux as they gaze off into the setting sun. The camera slowly pulls back and fades out.

Not all information aboce is accurate or true; It is the interpretation of a line of events by the Author(mr. xsism).


What do you guys think??? Could we make a 15min commercial?? :)

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:18 am
Your commercial is very well writen ,But too romantic :'(.
The truth is more like,A guy comes home after a harddays work,he is dressed in old cloths and sandals, Is wife comes runing up to him, with a baby in one hand and a handfull of bills in the other.
Please pepa take the job, that nice man bill hate's offered you, I can not live on the money you make as a apple picker, you are a computer geneus,But before she could finish as stark look came on the face of pepa, woman you do not understand i could not work for a big fat capitalist like bill hate, he then go's in side, Starts a old computer up, and starts hacking away at the keyboard,10 hours later we are in pepa bedroom only pepas wife is in bed,she is awakened by the sound of the keyboard,she looks at the clock ,it says 3 in the morning,she jumps up showing her large (sorry wrong script) runs down stairs, pepa what are you doing it's 3 in the morning you have work tomorrow,
i have got to get this done tonight, so it can be put on the 6 disk in the package (the one nobody uses).
Just then there's a beep from out side ,pepa grabs a disk and runs out side,He is greated by a long limmo,The window opens there is a fat man,With a big sigar in is mouth, Pepa hands the disk over to the man,The man turn to pepa and says keep up the the good work you are changeing the way the world does business.
The camera pan's around and does a close up on pepa's wife the look on her face is like this ::).


Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:45 pm
by xsism@work
hehe, romantic wasn't my goal. My goal was humor. MS n SCO trials n relationship references, thought it was phunny. Plus he jhas sex with unix(whixh is really what he did metaphorically) and produced son from unix(a partial clone). He nmes him after himself as linux is his child(in more ways than one). I think it all makes perfect snese in parallel to reality :] I didnt think it was very romantic ;)

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 2:51 am
by 10wattmindtrip
Correction... Linux is not from Unix...

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 3:03 am
by Candy
10wattmindtrip wrote: Correction... Linux is not from Unix...
Don't correct lucid ideas. They are wrong by design.

And even then, you're wrong. The story doesn't imply linux came from unix, it just claimed it was the son of Torvalds (true) after he messed around with Unix (also true). It never states Unix is the mother of Linux (even though linux was loosely based on unix, so you could even make a point of that).

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:39 am
by Pype.Clicker
if i was Linus, i'm not sure i would appreciate something that goes so deep into private life (the girl, the baby, school attitude, etc.)

And i guess seeing "unix dying of a cancer" will not please $-holders aswell ...

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:56 am
by Candy
Pype.Clicker wrote: if i was Linus, i'm not sure i would appreciate something that goes so deep into private life (the girl, the baby, school attitude, etc.)

And i guess seeing "unix dying of a cancer" will not please $-holders aswell ...
I doubt IBM is going to like a unix dying of cancer, knowing they have their own unix (AIX) and their own unix license...

Linus published some or most of the details in his own book, and on the other hand, I don't think he'd really mind. It's not bad for him in any way, and it's figurative (which he's smart enough to figure out). Now if it was Bill Gates... :)

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:41 am
by Solar
Why does everybody think Linus was out to save the world? All he wanted was a free (as in, free as beer) Unix-alike kernel for his studies. He thought it could be useful for other students as well, so he published it. The choice for the GPL was done without much thought. Portability was not the goal, neither was the enterprise or the SOHO desktop.

Some of the comments in Linux 0.0.1 are funny read, indeed... ;-)

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:00 am
I think that my story has gone straight over most peoples heads.
There is a moral in there, the guy in the limmo is from big blue (take a look at the only people making money from linux, all big company's).
They usest to pay company's like MS to make OS for them, Now geeks do it for FREE .

WOW!!!!!!!!! they are changing the way the world does business.


Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:05 am
by Candy
ASHLEY4 wrote: I think that my story has gone straight over most peoples heads.
There is a moral in there, the guy in the limmo is from big blue (take a look at the only people making money from linux, all big company's).
They usest to pay company's like MS to make OS for them, Now geeks do it for FREE .
ehm... did you happen to notice what sort of house Linus lives in today? Do you think that was all just for free?

And do you really think Linus is not being paid? How did he get his address? Any guesses?

Corporations sponsor them to make sure they don't drop them. While he is vulnerable as an OS builder, he also holds a key that lots of companies really want to have. The key to an OS that works great on their system. Can Microsoft offer them that?

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:57 am
by Curufir
I'm with Candy on this one. Most of the Linux kernel developers are actually being paid to work on the kernel by companies that have a vested interest in seeing Linux succeed (Eg Alan Cox works for Redhat afaik).

I don't think any of them are in a position to work on it for free, people can't eat code.

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 10:31 am
Don't get me wrong im not against linux and for MS ,I think that a lot of talanted people have done a great job with linux, With a dream to change the way we work,
But when i see a very big company making 6billon on it( At the same time Linux Mandrake is bankrupt).
It makes me wonder what has changed?.


Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 10:49 am
by Curufir
ASHLEY4 wrote: It makes me wonder what has changed?.
Geeks have access to much cooler T-Shirts.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss ;).

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 2:54 pm
by Aleksander Helgake
My concern is that as far as I could make out none of the commercials actually explained what Linux is. Not everyone knows that Linux is an operating system.

Re:IBM linux commercials

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:02 pm
by Curufir
Aleksander Helgake wrote: Not everyone knows that Linux is an operating system.
And even less know that it is just a kernel...