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[ph34r] a silly DRM idea

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 8:33 am
by Pype.Clicker
okay, you've all heard about MS's Palladium architecture and the Trusted Computer Platform Alliance and auwful things like these. We had discussion about it and all of us have been stating its opinion ...

Now, here's a silly thing that came to my mind ... What about a CyberCard that would include a network card, a bunch of DSP for audio and video rendering, a small mass-storage device (like we have in embedded MP3 players, for instance) and -- of course -- the 3v1l-trusted chips ... All of this as a PCI card, for instance.

This way, the PC itself can still be free and the copyright may be preserved (if the multimedia card doesn't like your screen because it doesn't find it in the Trusted Hardware List, it could refuse to send the VideoOnDemand to it, but that wouldn't interfere with your own OS's or your own GUI subsystem.

Does it look like a viable option or do i sound as 3v1l as M$ himself ?

Re:[ph34r] a silly DRM idea

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:40 am
by Solar
I have honestly no idea what you're aiming at. Do you want to produce that card because you think it's a good idea, or...???

Re:[ph34r] a silly DRM idea

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:13 pm
by Pype.Clicker
no, i just thought that it would be a fair compromise between having your machine 'clean' of a chip that would be annoying to have on the motherboard and of being 'out' of the T-web or S-web or whatever they'll call it ...

I don't plan to produce/sell/whatever it in anyway... that's just something that popped in my mind ...

Re:[ph34r] a silly DRM idea

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:30 am
by Solar
Nah... the industry's idea of TCPA is to include the TPM functionality in the CPU. They won't jump to your idea... :-\