I'ts supposed to store the printers status value on the end of the string "PRN:".
Code: Select all
[org 0x0000]
[bits 16]
[SEGMENT .text]
mov ax, 0x0000
mov ds, ax ;Initialize data segment
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFF ;Initialize stack
mov ah, 0x00
mov al, 0x00
int 0x10 ;Set screen mode 0
mov ah, 0x05
mov al, 0x02
int 10h ;Set active video page to 2
mov ah, 0x01
mov dx, 0x00
int 0x17 ;Initialize printer on LPT1
mov si, PrinterStatus
mov al, ah
[SEGMENT .data]
PrinterStatus???db "PRN:", 0x00
A bit of a simple queston, but i havn't even tried to used these new fangled macro's yet ;D