Hi there,
after two years spent with lots of talk and very little actually accomplished, I did send http://www.pro-pos.org into hibernation a couple of weeks ago, contemplating where expectations and reality didn't meet and whether I should / could continue with this.
Well, several things changed - no forum anymore, no public design discussions, two Public Domain spinoffs (a C lib and a bare-bones OS framework) aiming at the greater benefit of hobbyist OS developers, and scrapping C++ as project language. It's no longer the big "come y'all, let's do it" project, but rather my project which just happens to do things online.
Not a ground-shaking event by anyone's standards, but in the very least, the UserArchetypes as well as the mini-howtos AboutBochs / AboutGrub / AboutCrossCompiler are back online.
And please, no-one go "I told you so" on the C++ part. That failed half due to non-available docs on kernel-space C++, and half due to a woeful lack of follow-through on the part of our "contributors". (Probably the understatement of the decade. It could have been fun looking at how completely all of them vanished when asked to walk the walk after they did talk the talk - if it weren't so damn frustrating.) I still think C++ would be the better language for the task, and I still hope we'll one day provide the tutorial on how to do a full C++ runtime in kernel space, but as a one-man show, I'll trod the easy road now.
Oh, and my excuses to Pype, Lennart, and Flying_D, the three people who actually did contribute significantly and promised nothing they couldn't follow up on. You were the ones giving me the motivation to continue after all.
Good night y'all, and excuse the rant.
Heartbeat: Pro-POS
Heartbeat: Pro-POS
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.
Re:Heartbeat: Pro-POS
Good Luck Gosh!
And let's never forget the merits of Sarah Programatzki, the best vi h4xx0R o'da' world
It is a good decision to strip the forum and sorts ... sometimes it is necessary to think about other ways to reach the aim.
Well ... I am an apprentice of OSDev who more often than less calls the Ghosts instead of getting rid o'em. Well and *those* ghosts usully cause more harm than the good ol' bewitched broom. ];->
Stay safe and Mochs guad und loss di ned klaakriagn!;)
And let's never forget the merits of Sarah Programatzki, the best vi h4xx0R o'da' world
It is a good decision to strip the forum and sorts ... sometimes it is necessary to think about other ways to reach the aim.
Well ... I am an apprentice of OSDev who more often than less calls the Ghosts instead of getting rid o'em. Well and *those* ghosts usully cause more harm than the good ol' bewitched broom. ];->
Stay safe and Mochs guad und loss di ned klaakriagn!;)