Knowing yourself without knowing your enemy ...

Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
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Knowing yourself without knowing your enemy ...

Post by Pype.Clicker »

... only gives you half a chance to win.

As system designers, we cannot ignore that Problems Exist Between Chair And Keyboard.

So they're back... Joe Average, Sarah Progmatzki, , Mr. Anykey et al. have been brought back to the web after a long "down" time.
When describing use cases, or generally discussing pros and cons of a design, it can be helpful to define some "fictious users" so we can refer to them by name instead of "picturing" them anew every time we need them. Making them "global" will help project.
As a few person here tend to reuse those archetypes, i guess the others will be glad to know that there's a small reference page to understand better our "happy-few" discussions ;)

btw, if you can think of another user archetype that would be missing there, feel free to describe it here ...
BI lazy

Re:Knowing yourself without knowing your enemy ...

Post by BI lazy »

In c64 times we used to talk about DAU's.

this stands for 'D?mmster anzunehmender User' and is like the english: 'User who is the biggest assumeable Moron' or 'dumbest assumeable user'.

this one is badder and weirder than even Mr. Anykey:

The DAU not even understands what the admin says when is instructed to 'close the window' and when told to insert the disk puts it in a jar with balsamico, sugar, garlic, olive oil 100 % native and salt and some spices and hopes it is well done - ah, I've forgotten the onions... -> this stems from german: "bitte legen sie die diskette ein"(plz insert disk). "einlegen" has also the meaning of putting salad or flesh in a kind of marinade to make it more tasty.

stay safe ];->
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Re:Knowing yourself without knowing your enemy ...

Post by Solar »

Hehe... ;D

For our non-German friends, "DAU" stems from "GAU", which is "Gr??ter anzunehmender Unfall" - the biggest accident to be assumed, especially in nuclear reactors.

Tchernobyl was dubbed "Super-GAU" since no-one before believed that such a catastrophic failure would be possible. I think BI lazy describes the "Super-DAU" here. ;-)

Sorry for the long downtime. As you can see from the "dump" part in the URL, that's just a verbatim dump of the old Pro-POS Wiki contents; I fully intend to rework them into something more presentable (including the texts on building a cross-compiler and getting Bochs and GRUB to cooperate, plus several others), but for now I did put my mind on unrelated subjects since I got pretty frustrated and felt I need a rest; I plan to be back on track sometime during February.
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Re:Knowing yourself without knowing your enemy ...

Post by Solar »

The Wiki is back online, so the things we've been talking about are available and open for correction / extension. Also note the slightly different URL.

(Note that the Bare Bones haven't been tested yet, I just extrapolated from working C++ code.)
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.
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