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Post by Adek336 »

Hi! Once when I needed krealloc() I wrote my implementation, which allocs a new block and copies memory there from the first one. This works fine but now I was thinking about rewriting it. I already use it in many places like this:

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char *buf, *new_buf;
uint32 new_size;
new_buf = krealloc(buf, new_size);
if (!new_buf) sysfail("not enough memory");
   buf = new_buf
As we see, the old block gets disposed every time the memory's sufficient. If krealloc() did not alloc a new block but just increased the size of the old one, none of them would survive :o

Or perhaps krealloc DOES dispose the old block?



Post by Tim »

Well, a simple realloc could look like this: (or krealloc, if that's what you call it)

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void *realloc(void *old_block, size_t new_size)
    void *new_block;
    size_t old_size;

    new_block = malloc(new_size);
    if (new_block == NULL)
        /* leave old block intact */
        return NULL;

    if (old_block == NULL)
        old_size = 0;
        old_size = __msize(old_block);

    memcpy(new_block, old_block, min(old_size, new_size));
    return new_block;
You could optimise this by checking whether there is enough space just after old_block to satisfy the request. If so, you would update the size of the old_block and return. If not, you would use the code above.

I think the code I just wrote is standards-compliant. Here realloc(NULL, size) is the same as malloc(size), and realloc(block, 0) returns a zero-length but non-null block. I don't know what the wording in the standard is, but I think this behaviour conforms to it. Then again, if you're writing kmalloc/kfree/krealloc and not malloc/free/realloc, you can do what you like.
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Post by Pype.Clicker »

personnally, i've seen so many broken code due to a misused realloc-stuff that i did not provide any krealloc ... and i'm not missing it so far.
BI lazy


Post by BI lazy »

Hehe ... my entire kmalloc library 's been buggy a big while long: I didn't do it reentrant - well, it isn't reentrant by nature, is it? and upon krealloc for a local copy of the active window in the video driver, it crapped out unfortunately - until I found out that my messaging stuff did this to the system.

Now, I 've got a quick and secure msg_alloc and msg_free set and the normal kmalloc functions.

Well ... as soon as you need to allcoate memory for growing/shrinking objects, realloc stuff comes in handy.

But as Pype says: most trouble stems from buggy allocation stuff which doesn't do its work properly.
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