chris wrote:
I was just wondering what part(s) (if any?) of your OS you are planning on writing in C++. Not just the kernel, but anywhere in your OS. Also are there any other languages you plan on using in specific places/situations?
Don't really see the use of the question since it's still possible to use any language nearly anywhere, but here I go...
All modules are in C, the core is in C with asm for speed, the call interface is in mostly C and a small bit of ASM, the boot loader is in ASM (boot sector) and ASM+C(ssbl) and the eventual modules will be C too.
Now for C++, I don't plan on using it in kernel context since it "does too much" from my point of view. Even if you can switch it all off, and understand exactly what it does, it still does too much in my opinion. So for my kernel programming (in which I want to decide where every atom goes, not just every molecule) it's not fit. However, I do like to program C++ (unlike what you might expect) in a case where I want to make a nice system without too much hassle. Say, all systems where C++ is appropriate (which is object-based systems unlike my kernel, word processors, spreadsheets, games etc etc etc. Even WS users want games
). Therefore there will also be a C++ standard library not like the STL (sorry bout that to the people that designed it, it just plain sucks imo.) that will connect to the entire kernel without using a C call somewhere. If possible I'd like to make C++ programming more or less mandatory (I'm not JC so don't come to me for all user support, I want the system to be reliable in the first place, that also means, no extremely weird stuff) for the user space area.