problem in ps\2 mouse driver
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:13 am
I'm trying to write a ps2 mouse driver.Ps\2 mouse uses IRQ 12.So i need to reprograme slave pic chip .In the following code i've tried to reprograme master and slave pic chips
so that 70h is for irq 0 on master pic and 08h is for irq 0 on slave pic.
Has i set everything correctly in the following code?
After reprogramming pic ,i've initialized the ps\2 mouse and set the handler so that a character 'm' is printed when it recieves the interrupt from mouse.
But nothing is printed .
Please tell me where i'm making mistake.
i've attached the complete source code so that you can identify if i'm making mistake anywhere else.
[attachment deleted by admin]
so that 70h is for irq 0 on master pic and 08h is for irq 0 on slave pic.
Has i set everything correctly in the following code?
Code: Select all
mov al,00010001b
out 20h,al
out 0A0h,al
mov al,70h
out 21h,al
mov al,08h
out 0A1h,al
mov al,00000100b
out 21h,al
mov al,2h
out 0A1h,al
mov al,00000001b
out 21h,al
out 0A1h,al
mov al,11111111b
out 21h,al
mov al,11110111b
out 0A1h,al
But nothing is printed .
Please tell me where i'm making mistake.
Code: Select all
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ps\2 mouse;;;;;
mov bl,0x60
call write_controller
mov bl,0x3
call write_command
mov bl,0xa8
call write_controller
mov bl,0xd4
call write_controller
mov bl,0xfa
call write_command
jmp hang
in al,0x64
and al,0x02
cmp al,0
jne wait1
mov al,bl
mov dx,0x64
out dx,al
in al,0x64
and al,0x02
cmp al,0
jne wait2
mov al,bl
mov dx,0x60
out dx,al
??????mov gs,ax
??????mov byte[gs:0xB8000],'M'
mov dx,0xa0
mov al,0x20
out dx,al
mov dx,0x20
mov al,0x20
out dx,al
Code: Select all