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keyb leds

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:13 pm
by Fukuda
Not so sure where did I wrong but I can not change kyb leds.

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unsigned int SetLedState(unsigned int LedNo, bool State)
    if(State == ON)
        KeyboardLeds |= LedNo;
    else if(State == OFF)
        KeyboardLeds &= ~LedNo;
    else if(State == LED_REVERSE)
        KeyboardLeds ^= LedNo;

    while(!(in(KEYBOARD_COMMAND_PORT) & 2));             <- stucks here!

    while(!(in(KEYBOARD_COMMAND_PORT) & 2));
    out(KEYBOARD_DATA_PORT, KeyboardLeds);

    return KeyboardLeds;

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Re:keyb leds

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 2:55 am
by mr. xsism
/ me digs up some old code...

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void SetLED(byte led)
      LED_STATUS ^= led; // XOR the LED bit [XOR toggles the bit]

   while(inportb(0x64) &2); // wait for no keys pressed(Input Buffer Clear)[0x2 = 10 bin]
   outportb(KEYDATA, LED_STATUS);
   while(inportb(0x64) &2);

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 * LED light references
#define LED_SCROLL  1
#define LED_NUM     2
#define LED_CAPS    4
There you go. Compare my code with yours. You may also be writing it to the wrong port. IIRC it should be 0x60. I think.