gate type 0 unsupported?

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gate type 0 unsupported?

Post by northfuse »

yes, i'm a newbie. I'm trying to load a new GDT (with lgdt), but when I try to flush the registers, bochs crashes saying:

Code: Select all

gate type 0 unsupported
my code is as follows:

Code: Select all


;------------GDT Table---------------;
GDTbase DD 0x500

NULL_SEL         EQU $-GDT  ; null descriptor is required (64bit per entry)
      DD 0x0
      DD 0x0
CODESEL          EQU $-GDT  ; 4GB Flat Code at 0x0 with max 0xFFFFF limit
      DW     0xFFFF           ; Limit(2):0xFFFF
      DW     0x0              ; Base(3)
      DB     0x0              ; Base(2)
      DB     0x9A             ; Type: present,ring0,code,exec/read/accessed (10011000)
      DB     0xCF             ; Limit(1):0xF | Flags:4Kb inc,32bit (11001111)
      DB     0x0              ; Base(1)
DATASEL          EQU $-GDT  ; 4GB Flat Data at 0x0 with max 0xFFFFF limit
      DW     0xFFFF           ; Limit(2):0xFFFF
      DW     0x0              ; Base(3)
      DB     0x0              ; Base(2)
      DB     0x92             ; Type: present,ring0,data/stack,read/write (10010010)
      DB     0xCF             ; Limit(1):0xF | Flags:4Kb inc,32bit (11001111)
      DB     0x0              ; Base(1)
;----------End GDT Table-------------;

[global gdt_init]
   lgdt [GDTR]      ;load GDT

   jmp CODESEL:FLUSH ;clear cs/ip/eip

   ;refresh all segment registers
   mov eax,DATASEL
   mov ds,eax
   mov es,eax
   mov fs,eax
   mov gs,eax
   mov ss,eax
gdt_init is then called from my main() function in main.c how should i fix this?

Re:gate type 0 unsupported?

Post by Curufir »

First thing I'd look at would be this:

Code: Select all

GDTbase DD 0x500
Are you sure the base of the GDT is actually here? Are you relocating it within your C code or something?

Re:gate type 0 unsupported?

Post by northfuse »

duh! i'm so stupid. that fixed everything. just changed it to the address of the GDT base (duh) and it worked. thanx
mr. xsism

Re:gate type 0 unsupported?

Post by mr. xsism »

you know the reason it was set to 0x500 is that there was code in boot.asm that moved it to that address. You might want to give some credit to whoever coded that. :)

Code: Select all

; boot.asm
; OS Bootloader
; Version 2.0
; Author: xsism
; Date:   4/14/03

; Memory Layout:
; 0x000000-0x0003FF PC IVT                
; 0x000400-0x0004FF PC BDA      
; 0x000500-0x000CFF TEMP GDT
; 0x001D00-0x001F00 System Stack           
; 0x002000-0x0A0000 System code/data 

; 1.44MB Floppy setup: (C/H/S) 80C, 2H/C, 18S/H, 512b/S 2880S
; 000-0001 Boot Sector code
; 001-0143 System code/data
; 144-2880 plugin code/data

; *  set these accordingly before you call BIOS read  *
; ah=BIOS function    al=number of sectors to read into memory
; es:bx= seg:off memory location
; ch=track number     cl=starting sector
; dh=head number      dl=drive number
; - 2=BIOS read function
; * ah=(on error)sectors that were read in

; 16 bit code that starts at 0x7c00
[bits 16]
[org 0x7c00]

jmp boot                      ; jump over the data to our code

; ---=[Start GDT Table]=--- ;
GDTbase DD 0x500

NULL_SEL  EQU $-GDT         ; null descriptor is required (64bit per entry)
      DD 0x0
      DD 0x0
CODESEL   EQU $-GDT         ; 4GB Flat Code at 0x0 with max 0xFFFFF limit
      DW     0xFFFF           ; Limit(2):0xFFFF
      DW     0x0              ; Base(3)
      DB     0x0              ; Base(2)
      DB     0x9A             ; Type: present,ring0,code,exec/read/accessed (10011000)
      DB     0xCF             ; Limit(1):0xF | Flags:4Kb inc,32bit (11001111)
      DB     0x0              ; Base(1)
DATASEL   EQU $-GDT         ; 4GB Flat Data at 0x0 with max 0xFFFFF limit
      DW     0xFFFF           ; Limit(2):0xFFFF
      DW     0x0              ; Base(3)
      DB     0x0              ; Base(2)
      DB     0x92             ; Type: present,ring0,data/stack,read/write (10010010)
      DB     0xCF             ; Limit(1):0xF | Flags:4Kb inc,32bit (11001111)
      DB     0x0              ; Base(1)
; ---=[End GDT Table]=--- ;


; -[move GDT to 0x500]- ;
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov si,GDT                    ; Move From [DS:SI]
mov di,[GDTbase]              ; Move to [ES:DI]
mov cx,[GDTsize]              ; size of GDT
cld                           ; Clear the Direction Flag
rep movsb                     ; Move it

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