I cannot link the asm binary with the c binary
on linux.
It allways give "mix_asm.o": Unknown format" and
if i compile it with "nasm -f elf ..." it does
no find the extern's from the C file...
any ideas, please ?
One of the developer Guides does not work... :\
RE:One of the developer Guides does not work... :\
>On 2001-11-13 17:22:04, znet wrote:
> I cannot link the asm binary with the c binary
>on linux.
> It allways give "mix_asm.o": Unknown format" and
>if i compile it with "nasm -f elf ..." it does
>no find the extern's from the C file...
>any ideas, please ?
This is a known problem and the solution is listed in the
guide itself. Read the warning at the beginning or just jump
straight to the Additional info at the bottom of that guide.
> I cannot link the asm binary with the c binary
>on linux.
> It allways give "mix_asm.o": Unknown format" and
>if i compile it with "nasm -f elf ..." it does
>no find the extern's from the C file...
>any ideas, please ?
This is a known problem and the solution is listed in the
guide itself. Read the warning at the beginning or just jump
straight to the Additional info at the bottom of that guide.