Zofu wrote:1-What is multiboot?
It's a specification which defines the interface between a multiboot boot loader and a multiboot kernel. A multiboot loader can load any multiboot OS, and a multiboot OS can be loaded by any multiboot loader.
2-Is there any difference between:
I don't believe there is, but you could check sizeof() to make sure.
Personally, I'd use:
Code: Select all
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct whatever
#pragma pack(pop)
3-what is cvs?
Concurrent Versioning System (?). It's a way of storing program sources, checking them out to multiple programmers without overwriting somebody else's changes, and tracking different versions of code. Source control itself is really useful, even with only one programmer. CVS in particular is OK, though experienced professional programmers tend to prefer, say, Perforce or Visual Sourcesafe.