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Help With my Kernel

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 3:50 am
by KieranFoot
I need help with my kernel!!!

At the moment my kernel can write a string, change the cursor size and clear the text screen. I want to be able to Disable The Cursor, Set Cursor position and be able to renable the cursor.

There is a bug in my print string routine, i havent got the code with me since i'm at collage, but I would be gratefull for any code that does the same thing and is known to work.

I'v tried messing arround with the cursor resizing but I can never seem to get rid ofthe cursor. I'v tried Setting
DH and DL to 00

Code: Select all

All this seems to do is move the cursor either right to the top or right to the bottom!!!

Re:Help With my Kernel

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 5:18 am
by Solar
Hm, that's not much information to work with (and my print function is C++ so it wouldn't help you).

But, do I understand correctly that you attempt to disable the cursor by moving it off-screen? I don't think that's possible; there should be a dedicated BIOS function to disable the cursor.

(Sorry, not much into the BIOS stuff myself, yet.)

Re:Help With my Kernel

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:28 pm
by thooot
Well, I'm going to assume that you're using real mode and BIOS functions. If so, here's a couple of functions that you can use as you see fit:

Code: Select all

; Hides the cursor
  mov ah, 0x01                  ; Interrupt function
  mov al, 0x03                  ; Current video mode
  mov ch, 0x23                  ; 2 = Invisible   3 = Start scan line
  mov cl, 0x04                  ; End scan line
  int 0x10  

; Shows the cursor
  mov ah, 0x01                  ; Interrupt function
  mov al, 0x03                  ; Current video mode
  mov ch, 0x03                  ; 0 = Visible     3 = Start scan line
  mov cl, 0x04                  ; End scan line
  int 0x10  
; Clears the screen to black (space character)
  mov ax, 0x0720                ; Space character
  mov cx, 2000
  rep stosw
  mov [ds:cursorX], byte 0
  mov [ds:cursorY], byte 0
  call move_cursor
; Prints the 0-terminated string at ds:si
  mov al, [ds:cursorY]
  mov bl, 160
  mul bl
  add al, [ds:cursorX]
  add al, [ds:cursorX]
  mov di, ax
  mov al, [ds:si]

  cmp al, 0                     ; End of string
  je print_done
  cmp al, 13                    ; Return character
  jne not_enter
  sub di, [ds:cursorX]
  sub di, [ds:cursorX]
  add di, 160                   ; Move to the next line
  inc si
  mov byte [ds:cursorX], 0
  inc byte [ds:cursorY]
  jmp print_loop
  mov ah, 0x07
  mov [es:di], ax
  add di, 2
  inc si
  inc byte [ds:cursorX]
  jmp print_loop
  call move_cursor

; Moves the cursor to cursorX, cursorY
  mov ah, 0x02                  ; Function #
  mov bh, 0x00                  ; Screen page
  mov dh, [ds:cursorY]
  mov dl, [ds:cursorX]
  int 0x10  
cursorX and cursorY are just one byte variables I have declared elsewhere. It is assumed that es:di points to location of the cursor on the screen. Also, these functions don't preserve registers (so you might want to add that it).

Re:Help With my Kernel

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 1:53 pm
by Neo
If you are talking about real mode then i dont see why you need to bother with the cursor postion int13h seems to handle all this pretty well anyway if you need a string printing function for real mode i've attached mine it just needs the address of the null terminated string to be in SI and then call it.

Code: Select all

;???BIOS Print Function for NULL terminated Strings????????????\
;???the NULL terminated string must be present in SI 
???push???ax??????; Save AX???
???push???bx??????; and BX registers???
???lodsb?????????; AL = [DS:SI]???
   or ???al, al ??????; Set zero flag if al=0
???jz ???short pstop???; jump to stop if zero flag is set???
???mov ???ah, 0eh ???; video function 0Eh (print char)??????
???mov ???bx, 0007h ???; color??????????????????
???int ???10h??????; interrupt 10h for screen display??????
???jmp ???short ploop???; keep printing???????????????
???pop???bx??????; Restore the BX????????????
???pop???ax??????; and AX Values???????????????
???retn?????????; end print and return????????????
if its the pmode print function you want mine is in C almost similar to the libc function (i c=used that as a model anyway) with adjustments in the cursor positioning etc. if thats what you want then let me know.

Re:Help With my Kernel

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:34 am
by KieranFoot
Thanx Guys ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D