Hi, can anybody tell me a site with tutorials about the
Protected Mode, and how I can give a Text out un Prodect Mode?
>On 2001-10-27 09:32:47, Lars wrote:
>Hi, can anybody tell me a site with tutorials about the
>Protected Mode, and how I can give a Text out un Prodect Mode?
i don't know about tutorials but in video mode 3
the video memory starts at address 0B8000H it is
80*25*2 bytes long with two bytes representing
each character the first being the attribute and
the second being the ascii code.
>Hi, can anybody tell me a site with tutorials about the
>Protected Mode, and how I can give a Text out un Prodect Mode?
i don't know about tutorials but in video mode 3
the video memory starts at address 0B8000H it is
80*25*2 bytes long with two bytes representing
each character the first being the attribute and
the second being the ascii code.