Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:48 am
-Excerpt from the Frontpage-
I think it speaks for itself.
mr. xsism & the Bona Fide OS Development Team
To the OS developer community,
It's time to expand! Currently, Bona Fide OS Development is allowed to use 100MB of space and 10GB of bandwidth each month on a free server provided by the genorosity of NeoPages, the best free host in existance. However, Bona Fide OS Dev currently is using 80MB of the 100MB allowed space, and about 8GB of bandwidth a month out of the 10GB allowed. We currently have approxamtly 300MB of documents and tutorials that we would like to add, but are unable to due to how much space we are allowed by our current host. That's not to mention that the current server we are hosted on is saturated and somewhat slow. And Bona Fide OS Development, receiving about 2000 hits a day(!) isn't helping that.
This is to say one thing, we need to move to a new host with more space, bandwidth, and can handle the amount of hits per day better. Unfortunatly, this isn't an easy thing to do. Bona Fide OS Development is a 100% non-profit site. A server will cost us approxamatly $100(USD) each year. We currently are unable to afford this, so we are asking you to support us via donations. The goal is to raise one hundred dollars(USD) by October 1st, so that we may move to a new server. We are accepting donations via PayPal, all donators will be added to our public Donators List, along with the amount donated(unless they wish to keep it private), a link to their website(as long as the content isn't inappropriate... no p0rn sites, hate sites, etc), and a free POP3 email address(5MB space for each) as soon as we get the new host. As we have said before, all money donated will go directly into this site, we will not be using any of it for ourselves.
The current amount donated is: $0.00
The amount that we still need is: $100.00
Thank you in advance,
The Bona Fide OS Development Team
I think it speaks for itself.
mr. xsism & the Bona Fide OS Development Team