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Andrew: PageFaults and other stuff

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 1:26 am
by Pype.Clicker
moved out of the previous thread
initial post by Andrew
but ....
main function:
int main(){
// everything is fine till next line
printf(" booom1 %u", Floppy::TickCounter); //Page Fault
return 0;
if i want to print value of the variable which is being changed by the IRQ0 handler i get page fault exception.
why? i can't use it that way? or maybe this is a bug in memory manager? or smth else?

and if i comment that printf line i get general protection error. is there smth i should do before exit?

Re:Andrew: PageFaults and other stuff

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:20 am
by Andrew
well, before the return operation i added this line

Code: Select all

__asm__ __volatile__("cli \t\n hlt \t\n");
and it solved the problem ( ::) well at least i think so),
what i mean is that i get TickCounter value printed, and code above woks fine too.

so is this is a good way on solving my problem or not?
a would be really appreciated if someone gave me some explanation about this situation.

thank you in advance.

Re:Andrew: PageFaults and other stuff

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:31 am
by Pype.Clicker
There are 2 options:
- either you have no valid return address when 'main' is running (for example if you had a jmp main rather than a call main or something alike), in which case returning is a BadIdea (tm)
- or you have something wrong with your stack, like a misinitialized pointer or a buffer overflow BigBug (tm) somewhere, which destroyed the return address information, in which case your patch is just delaying the RealProblem (tm)

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