Help with a original OS
Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:24 pm
Ok. I am a programmer who just learned assembly to write a OS. I am going to call it DaveBSD. It stands for Digital Audio Video Enhanced BSD. It will be original, despite its name. The name is there just so it will be asscoiated with the open source world. Anyway, even if I wanted to I couldn't change the name....(I have already registered the domain name for 5 years ) Ok so here is the deal, I have been researching OS Dev (and spent quite a few bucks) and now I'm ready. Major decisions have not been made for the OS yet, except for the name. I need help. That will include GUI Desginers, Web designers, consultants, etc. There will be no money involved, but your name will be posted on the (which is not up yet cuz i suck at web dev). I need help, any advice, programming offers etc. will be MADLY appreciated. Contact me please, even for the most petty stuff:
Y! messenger= hey29720
Email= [email protected]
MSN= [email protected]
Please contact me, I need help. You will be considered one of the main programmers if u help, and "Successfully programmed an OS" looks damn good on a college application....
Y! messenger= hey29720
Email= [email protected]
MSN= [email protected]
Please contact me, I need help. You will be considered one of the main programmers if u help, and "Successfully programmed an OS" looks damn good on a college application....