This is for those who remember those discussions about the intel architecture books, and for anyone who is looking for a good reference guide for intel opcodes and other information (like GDTs, IDTs, TSS, etc).
Last week I went to intel's development site and "ordered" (I put it in quotes because it's free) the 4 IA-32 architecture books, and today they came via UPS ground. I wasn't sure they would come, or if they did how long I would have to wait, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Anyone else who want to buy them, go to and click on the first book you want, then go back and click on the next one you want until you've done all the ones you want. Then click "Process this request", and enter all the fields like any other ecommerce form. Except this one doesn't ask for any credit card information
- Brandon
intel architecture books
Re:intel architecture books
They are free. I got my books to Finland in a week or so, delivered to my front door by FedEx. At least outside USA that's how they are delivered..
Re:intel architecture books
Ok, I live in Sweden so I think it should take a week or so for me too.
Re:intel architecture books
It seems that it generally takes about 1-2 days after you get the confirmation message from Intel servers.. so don't panic if you don't get that.. it's even known to sometimes happen that FedEx is faster than Intel's automatic e-mail system
Re:intel architecture books
AMD also has their books for order, specifically the ones I ordered are for the 64bit processor, but they are free and huge
Great bathroom reading material... but anyways
Great bathroom reading material... but anyways