MemoryManagement - Alloc

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MemoryManagement - Alloc

Post by FlashBurn »

I?ve written a alloc function for a 4kb page, but I want to optimize my code. There is to much code more than one time written, but I don?t know how to write this code better :( Maybe you got some ideas!

I hope that my code is commented good enough!

Code: Select all

;   Output:
;   EAX = address of page -> 0 - error
   cmp dword[mem_free_4kb],0
   je .end_not_engh
   mov eax,[mem_bottom_4kb]   ;get the first free 4kb page
   mov ecx,eax               ;save it in ecx
   shr eax,5               
   shl eax,2               ;eax/32*4
   mov esi,80000h            ;start of memory bitmap
   add esi,eax               ;add 4byte position of the free page
   mov edi,esi               ;save it in edi
   shl eax,3               ;eax*16
   sub ecx,eax               ;free page number minus the 4byte position
   mov ebx,1               ;mark the first bit
   shl ebx,cl               ;get the bit from the free page

   or eax,ebx
   dec dword[mem_free_4kb]
   cmp dword[mem_free_4kb],0
   jne .loop0
   mov eax,[mem_bottom_4kb]
   shl eax,12
   mov dword[mem_bottom_4kb],0
   mov dword[mem_top_4kb],0
   jmp .end

      test eax,ebx            ;test if it is an used or an unused page
      je .found

      shl ebx,1               ;shl ebx per 1 till the carry flag is set
      jnc .loop0
      mov eax,esi               ;get the address
      sub eax,80000h            ;sub the start of the memory bitmap
      and eax,7fh               ;look if it can dividie by 80h -> which means that we reached a new 4mb page
      jz .loop1
      lodsd                  ;next 32bits of the memory bitmap
      mov ebx,1
      jmp .loop0               ;searches the new 32bit of the memory bitmap

         dec eax                  ;we need the 4mb page before the new page
         shr eax,7               ;div eax by 128 to get the number of the 4mb page
         mov ecx,eax
         shr eax,5
         shl eax,2               ;eax/32*4
         mov esi,7fc00h            ;start of 4mb page bitmaps
         add esi,eax               ;add 4byte position of the 4mb page
         mov edi,esi
         shl eax,3               ;eax*16
         sub ecx,eax               ;4mb page number minus the 4byte position
         mov ebx,1               ;mark the first bit
         shl ebx,cl               ;get the bit from the 4mb page
         or eax,ebx               ;mark the page as used -> there is no free 4kb page on this 4mb page
         test eax,ebx
         je .end_loop2
         shl ebx,1
         jnc .loop2
         jmp .loop2               ;searches for a new 4mb page where are free 4kb pages
         mov eax,ebx
         call bit_pos2number
         mov ebx,eax
         sub esi,7fc00h            ;to get the 4byte position of the new 4mb page
         mov eax,esi
         sub eax,4               ;we need the old value
         shl eax,3               ;eax*8
         add eax,ebx               ;get the number of the new 4mb page
         shl eax,7               ;eax*128
         mov esi,80000h
         add esi,eax               ;get the position of the new 4mb page in the 4kb bitmap
         mov ebx,1
         jmp .loop0
   mov eax,[mem_bottom_4kb]         ;get the old 4kb page
   shl eax,12                     ;eax*4096 to have the right byte address
   push eax
      mov eax,ebx
      call bit_pos2number
      mov ebx,eax
      sub esi,80000h
      mov eax,esi
      sub eax,4                  ;because we need the old esi address
      shl eax,3                  ;eax*8
      add eax,ebx
      mov [mem_bottom_4kb],eax      ;save the new 4kb page
   pop eax
   push eax
      and eax,3fffffh
      jnz .end                  ;only jump when the address is no 4mb address
      shr eax,22                  ;eax*4194304
      mov ecx,eax                  ;save eax
      shr eax,5
      shl eax,2                  ;eax/32*4
      mov esi,7fe00h               ;address of 4mb page bitmap
      add esi,eax                  ;add 4byte position
      mov edi,esi                  ;save esi
      shl eax,3                  ;eax*8
      sub ecx,eax                  ;4mb page number minus the 4byte position
      mov ebx,1                  ;mark the first bit
      shl ebx,cl                  ;get the position of the page
      or eax,ebx                  ;mark the page used
         test eax,ebx
         je .end_loop3
         shl ebx,1
         jnc .loop3
         mov ebx,1
         jmp .loop3               ;searches for a new free 4mb page
         mov eax,ebx
         call bit_pos2number
         mov ebx,eax
         sub esi,7fe00h
         mov eax,esi               ;get the 4byte position of the new page
         sub eax,4               ;because we need the old value
         shl eax,3               ;eax*8
         add eax,ebx               
         mov [mem_bottom_4mb],eax   ;get the new position of the new 4mb page and save it
   pop eax
   xor eax,eax

;   converts a bit position to the number of the position
;   Input:
;   EAX - bit position
;   Output:
;   EAX - number
   mov ecx,0ffffffffh
   inc ecx
   shr eax,1
   jnc .loop
   mov eax,ecx
I don?t think that you need any more explanation about my MemoryManagement, but if you want some, you only have to ask!
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Re:MemoryManagement - Alloc

Post by Pype.Clicker »

this one reminds me why i turned to C :)

Re:MemoryManagement - Alloc

Post by Tim »

Please don't write functions like this in assembly.

Re:MemoryManagement - Alloc

Post by FlashBurn »

And why not?! I want to write my whole OS in assembly and I don?t know C enough to write thinks like that in C. Also I hate GCC and it is the only C-Compiler which is good enough for writing an 32bit OS!

Re:MemoryManagement - Alloc

Post by Thunder »

I was creating OS with asm in the past, but when I learned C, I think it is the best language! And GCC compiler is very good ;)


Re:MemoryManagement - Alloc

Post by Nairou »

My first OS kernel was in assembly. Its certainly doable, but not very time-efficient. With a project as large as an OS, you don't want to get bogged down with optimizing your assembly code or tracking down single-instruction errors. With C, the compiler takes care of most of that for you, and you can deal with the bigger picture.

Learning C is not hard at all. If you're already a programmer (certainly if you already know assembly), learning C should only take you a few days to grasp. As for GCC, there are many tutorials for using it to build OS kernels efficiently, and in some ways its actually easier than doing it in assembly.

If you plan to get past the "I wrote my own bootloader" stage, you might consider switching to C. ;)
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Re:MemoryManagement - Alloc

Post by Pype.Clicker »

by the way, if you decide to keep working with assembly (this is your choice, and only yours, after all), i strongly suggest you document your algorithms (i.e. explain what you do with a few high-level meta-language comments with understandable variable names, etc).

how could we propose you an optimisation if we're not even sure we understand what you did -- it's like if we had both to reverse-engineer your code *and* optimize the code...

Do not take it bad, but i've better things to do with my time ;)
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