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HakwareOS 1.09.01b

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 8:54 am
by Pype.Clicker
cross posting from "Testing OS report" ...

i suppose people can test it out now, but it would be better for people to test it out once i have it running the idt code ^^;.
if you want to, here it is: . that's the development code. you must put the bootloader from /tackle on the floppy boot sector, and you must run kbuild from /src/hakware/ to compile/assemble the kernel and copy it to a:\kernel ! also, kbuild.bat only runs without modification on the c:\ drive, with /src being c:\src and /tackle being c:\tackle .
just make sure it doesn't crash the comp, and get back to me plzksankyu ^^;.

if you want to, you can just rawrite /tackle/booter.bin to the fat-formatted floppy and copy /src/hakware/i386/obj/start.o to the same, but i want to make sure it assembles on other systems too ^^;.

I moved it because i have reason to think it will *not* work on most systems ...

Re:HakwareOS 1.09.01b

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:03 am
by Pype.Clicker
a few things that looks weird so far in your package:

- your "booter.bin" is actually oversized by 1 byte. thus the 0x55aa signature will not be recognized by most BIOSes.

- you have a very strange instruction "db jmpfar_opcode; dw start32,0000;" in init.asm, which makes me think you're either jumping to segment 0 or to an undefined segment ...

- your "tackle" code will hardly work once pmode is initialized. thus calling INT21, service 4C00 after IDT get initialized will result in nothing good ...

Code: Select all

MOV  AX,0x4C00

Re:HakwareOS 1.09.01b

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:46 am
by unknown user
heh. sorry about the int21 in the tackle code, i have no idea why it's there since tackle is a form of basic designed for os dev. as for the db jmpfar db start32,0x0000 , i took that out of a tutorial, but i'm only using it because i don't have any better code to use. i tried a number of different code configurations, and they all ended up not running the idt code, so if anyone has suggestions as to what to put there, i'm all ears ^^;.

Re:HakwareOS 1.09.01b

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:56 am
by Pype.Clicker
well, actually, TACKLE doesn't look like being designed for protected mode at all ... and the INT21h is there just because your program is over (maybe the END instruction ...) try a here: HLT goto here instead :)

Re:HakwareOS 1.09.01b

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 10:02 am
by unknown user
hmm... yeah... btw, the bootloader isn't mine, it came with tackle. i'd rather not need to go through the hell of writing a bootloader, so does anyone have a suggestion?