what 's wrong with my code,
it just don't work.
i have a book,it show's that the command bytes
should write to port 0x3f5,but the infomation Thunder
supplied at sit
tell to write to port 0x3f7.
i really confused ,can someone help me.
the code i wrote for testing as
following(it does not work):
;check if read to transform
mov dx,03f4h
in al,dx
and al,0c0h
cmp al,080h
jne mrqloop
;start data transform ,read sector
mov al,0E6h
mov dx,3f5h
out dx,al
mov dx,3f7h
mov al,0
out dx,al ;drive A
out dx,al ;Cylinder 0
out dx,al ;head 0
out dx,al ;sector number 0
mov al,2
out dx,al ;sector size 128*2^2
mov al,18
out dx,al ;sector per track
mov al,1bh
out dx,al ;Length of GAP 3
mov al,0ffh
out dx,al ;length
mov cx,512
mov di,offset sectordata
;print the every byte to screen
mov dx,3f7h
in al,dx
mov ah,02h
mov dl,al
int 21h
loop LRead