_guest wrote:
i have seen alot in these OS dev forums and all these programmers always cursing microsoft for there OS (windows) .. and i really dont understand why do u guys think like that ..
Well, for most people, this is because
- M$ suxx. Just as a matter of fact. Don't take it as a rationale thought: that's just philosophical. That's what a lot of people say and therefore you can't decently say you're writing an OS without mentionning it. of course, this is mindless, but that's why 90% will say it.
- Bill Gates is at the top of the Computer Software Industry and he's not even a good software engineer. Note: what should he have to? If you wanna be the best-seller, what you must be good at is *selling*, not producing
now, there are other reasons that are closer to a kind of reality, and i'll explain them later, but for 99% of people, this is just for such reasons ...
i mean even i accept that UNIX is a really powerful operating system but i have been using windows for so many years and i think its really user friendly
Flaw #1: windows is *not* especially user-friendly. It just spent years in marketting and books to make the average user feel at home with it ... But try to learn to use windows to someone that has never used a computer before and you'll see what i mean... Is it really more friendly to select 5 mp3 files from window A by using CTRL + click, click on one of them, drag the selection to the task bar, wait for window B to raise or uniconify, drag again to window B, point to something that is *not* a dircetory or an executable on that window, hold "CTRL" (because A and B was not on the same partition and that you want to move files, not copy them) and finally release the mouse button ??
Or is it more user-friendly to type "mv *.mp3 ~/MUSIC" ?
This can also be extended to Microsoft applications that may sometimes be very hard to use for inexperimented user (for instance, what about extending a selection in Excel ? there are no less than 3 close operations you can d instead of what you want if you're a few pixels from the small handle at the bottom of the cell...)
.. the graphics are the best
Remember they're ripped from Mac OS for most versions of Windows ... Get a look at Mac OSX's look'n'feel . Then get a look at XP. Surprising enough, XP now has red-green-yellow buttons for iconify, etc.
and it works JUST FINE ..
i must admit i didn't use XP alot but every previous versions have several problems which required frequent reinstallations, etc. Usually, a faulty program in Unix world throws a segfault and stops. period. In the MS world (at least until Y2K), a faulty program could make the whole system hangs or crash.
Also consider the problem of viruses. Without denying the fact that a windows virus is more interresting because it could reach more victims, Unix environments are less virus-prone than MS ones.
almost 70% of computer users all around the world use Windows as there OS ..
and from them 99% had no choice but picking the system the vendor put on their machine because they don't have the skills to install another one -- because of the utterly attitude of MS sales management dept. which took benefit of their monopolistic situation to make people sell MS and nothing else than MS.
Now, don't take me wrong. I don't say Linux is the right choice for everybody. I just feel it's the right choice for me, and so i use it.
if u guys think its easy to make an OS like windows .. then why dont u make something like that !!!
i don't think it's easy to make something like windows. I don't even *want* to do something like it. What i want is showing what an OS could be. Try features noone dare to try before, etc.
Everytime i have to use Windows, i feel like a horse in a box. I can't move! i can't express my freedom ... i can't get a clear view of what's happening. I'm just fighting with a system that is unable to learn how i want it to be...
on the other side, under Linux, if i want a to add my multimedia player a "search for a song having XXX in its name and play it", i can add it. It's not even complicated: it only took 21 lines of shell script ... And there are plenty of window managers i can use if i don't like KDE. and about as much file explorers...
They don't have the freedom i wish from an OS, though ... and that's why i go on with OS development.