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what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 11:57 am
by bgcq
i now learn minix,who know minix use which compiler comiple itself sourcecode?
Re:what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 4:41 pm
by Curufir
You'll find a C compiler on the Minix CD, it's installed at the same time as you install the OS anyhow.
AFAIK it's an ANSI C compliant compiler in the latest Minix(The original Minix C compiler used classic C, they are very similar, but there are some differences).
The program itself is called 'cc', and you can get more information by typing 'man cc' at the command line (Don't include the apostrophes).
Instructions on recompiling the Minix kernel are given in the text files that are on the CD (There's a complete run through of setting up Minix and recompiling the kernel in there somewhere). Recompiling the kernel is actually very simple, it's pretty much a case of altering one config file and typing around 3 commands.
I suppose you could use GCC to compile Minix if you really wanted to, they (In theory
) use the same C standard, but personally I prefer to compile using the tools that the author used.
Hope that answers your question, or at least helps a bit.
Point of interest: Minix runs just fine under bochs 2.0, and is nice and easy to create a hd image of too because its installation is via floppy disks. So if you want a reasonably complete OS with C compiler that you can play around with on Windows then Minix might be worth investigating. It's a handy way to prototype certain things without needing a full OS.
Re:what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 9:57 pm
by bgcq
thanks your answer,but i want to know which compiler comiple the asm files of minix,such as mpx386.s and boot startup code?
Re:what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 4:35 am
by Pype.Clicker
hey, you do not *compile* assembler sources ... you assemble them
and i guess AS will be the assembler you need ... (usually, the assembler comes together with the compiler, as the compiler will generate .s files for the assembler
Re:what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 5:07 am
by bgcq
thanks,AS is a assembler name?where are have it?
can you tell a website to download it?
Re:what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 8:20 am
by Whatever5k
abless@bless:~$ man as
AS is the protable GNU assembler. Get it at the GNU site or anywhere else - if you dare
Re:what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:50 am
by bgcq
gnu site is cant find as
Re:what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 5:02 am
by Whatever5k
AFAIK the pacakge binutils contains it. Actually, you should have the assembler already since every distribution installs the binutils package automatically.
i cant find as
Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:09 am
by bgcq
i cant find afaik package in gnu size,i type man as ,can see help msg,but i type as ,the msg is:no find?
Re:what compiler compile minix?
Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 6:01 am
by Whatever5k
Uhm, the package is not named 'AFAIK', but 'binutils'. Install this package.
AFAIK is just a short way to say "As far as I know"