Oh Gosh, Not Again About Bootloaders! ;-)
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 7:52 am
You all ... hm, may be not all, indeed ... have read about writing bootloaders, have written yourself one with or without success just to feed curiosity and surely felt some proud prickling under your skin upon former case.
I think, writing such a thing is a good point to start off. It gives one a feeling of what you may have to trade with further: all these initialization routines, first introduction to asm programming (yes, you have to use goto in asm regardless what they tell you in hll programming course - nassi shneiderman in mind), some pmode stuff, not to forget: The first Global Descriptor Table. And then, this not so dramatic step to change from real mode to protected mode: nothing more then three commandses. It is like switching light on or off. The more, writing a boot loader is a pretty good exercise for bug tracking in asm code as well as an introduction to research methods like those used in universities.
But one comes to the point where interest is drawn to other things, which can be realizend in hll langueges like c - I think of linked lists and sorts. One comes to the point where his self written pboot loader lacks the capability to boot the kernel in a proper way due to the size of that d(a)mned thing. Mybe he decides then to put boot loader development aside and draw attention to kernel development - and to use a given boot loader. F. ex. grub.(which is not, as the young legend claims, the holy grail, but this belongs to an other story. Never te less it comes near to it)
I don't want to convince the ones amongst us to use grub, who work on custom bootstrap code. Shall they write their boot loaders, since it is a Gosh-this-Light-Blends-D(a)mn-So-Does-The-Hare-Run-Experience to get it do what it is expected to.
I think it is wise to use present and well tested ressources for working further and AFTER having explored the file system world and the disk driver world continuing with the boot loader.
But it is better to continue work on the custom boot loader after having gained a certain amount of experience in programming: whilst working on the kernel internals.
But what I can not stand at all circumstances is stubborn, blindfold thinking like:
->using f. ex. grub shortens the impression my kernel draws upon other people.
->using f. ex. grub is crap entirely.
->i want to write a bootloader better then grub (or similar).
this is what they call "prata skitsnack" in sweden.
one more thingy: there often comes an "I didn't intend to induce a discussion about bootloaders...". This is how things run along when a group of people comes together. No one can forbide another one to say what he/she thinks. Let it run. discussions are normal in groups.
Now, feel free to discuss and elaborate the topic: "Writing a custom boot loader - Pro/Contra".
have a nice day, stay safe and enjoy life )
I think, writing such a thing is a good point to start off. It gives one a feeling of what you may have to trade with further: all these initialization routines, first introduction to asm programming (yes, you have to use goto in asm regardless what they tell you in hll programming course - nassi shneiderman in mind), some pmode stuff, not to forget: The first Global Descriptor Table. And then, this not so dramatic step to change from real mode to protected mode: nothing more then three commandses. It is like switching light on or off. The more, writing a boot loader is a pretty good exercise for bug tracking in asm code as well as an introduction to research methods like those used in universities.
But one comes to the point where interest is drawn to other things, which can be realizend in hll langueges like c - I think of linked lists and sorts. One comes to the point where his self written pboot loader lacks the capability to boot the kernel in a proper way due to the size of that d(a)mned thing. Mybe he decides then to put boot loader development aside and draw attention to kernel development - and to use a given boot loader. F. ex. grub.(which is not, as the young legend claims, the holy grail, but this belongs to an other story. Never te less it comes near to it)
I don't want to convince the ones amongst us to use grub, who work on custom bootstrap code. Shall they write their boot loaders, since it is a Gosh-this-Light-Blends-D(a)mn-So-Does-The-Hare-Run-Experience to get it do what it is expected to.
I think it is wise to use present and well tested ressources for working further and AFTER having explored the file system world and the disk driver world continuing with the boot loader.
But it is better to continue work on the custom boot loader after having gained a certain amount of experience in programming: whilst working on the kernel internals.
But what I can not stand at all circumstances is stubborn, blindfold thinking like:
->using f. ex. grub shortens the impression my kernel draws upon other people.
->using f. ex. grub is crap entirely.
->i want to write a bootloader better then grub (or similar).
this is what they call "prata skitsnack" in sweden.
one more thingy: there often comes an "I didn't intend to induce a discussion about bootloaders...". This is how things run along when a group of people comes together. No one can forbide another one to say what he/she thinks. Let it run. discussions are normal in groups.
Now, feel free to discuss and elaborate the topic: "Writing a custom boot loader - Pro/Contra".
have a nice day, stay safe and enjoy life )