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Banned from #osdev for 3 days. =~(

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 11:00 pm
Hey dudes, I got a real problem here. I am the most serious, dedicated, and studied OS devel North south east aaaand west of the Pecos....
So I go to #osdev (on to try to recruit and train potential business partners. The problem is that someone made the mistake
of giving this dickhead named air chops... I have been quareling with AIR since '98... Basicly I can't get any business done because air behaves
like a channel takevoer perp and bans me for saying perfectly valid things that he simply disagrees with. He banned me on Tuesday and I have banned
ever since.

I may not be the nicest or most proper person in the world but I have friends and acquaintances who I only see in that channel. I never refuse
to offer any and all help I can to whatever newbie happens to enter, however unconventional my answers tend to be.

air is a bad operator who has banned the channel's most dedicated user and his chop status should be revoked with all haste, and my name removed
from the ban-list.

RE:Banned from #osdev for 3 days. =~(

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 11:00 pm
by Chase
>On 2001-08-02 11:26:16, [email protected] wrote:

Unless someone reading this can help then you are out of luck.
I have nothing to do with the IRC channel, sorry.