loading a big kernel
Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 12:01 am
how can i load my kernel in the memory if its size goes more than 18 sectors
this is the code i m using to load the first 18 sectors how can i load the next 18 sectors
thanx for ur help
this is the code i m using to load the first 18 sectors how can i load the next 18 sectors
Code: Select all
;es:bx==> 0000:5000h
mov ax,0
mov es,ax
mov bx,5000h
mov ah,2
mov al,17 ;load two floppy heads full of data
mov ch,0 ;cylinder=0
mov cl,3 ;sector=2
mov dh,0 ;head=0
mov dl,0 ;floppy drive
int 13h ;read it
jc readFloppy