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Designing a small FileSystem
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:04 am
by Perica
Re:Designing a small FileSystem made specifically for Floppy
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:57 am
by Pype.Clicker
i suggest you bookmark the
Operating System Resource Center
For a floppy, FAT12 is probably the best possible option because of its wide support. A floppy is typically something you want to use with a lot of different OS, so it *must* be standard-compliant.
I would not say the same thing for the internal filesystem on the hard drive, but that would be off-topic.
you'll indeed need to compare several existing designs to learn what works fine and what doesn't. I have no real suggestion, but plenty of
ideas of what i would put in MyOwnFS
Re:Designing a small FileSystem made specifically for Floppy
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:09 am
by distantvoices
Pype, what you probably want to do is something like what apple has done in their filesystem HFS+: to have a data fork and a ressource fork. In the data fork, the files dta is saved, and the according ressource fork keeps the attributes of the file like: which application(s) are to open and handle this file.
it is just a suggestion, but have a look at how apple handles files in their file system.
ad perica: You should not design a new fs in the beginning: you will have to struggle enough with implementing an existing file system. *gg*
When I have my multitasking and message passing stuff implemented in a PROPER way, I gonna implement a floppy driver (which acts in a sequential manner - not very efficient, but enough for the beginning) and fat12 file system. It will be enough to work with.
stay safe.
Re:Designing a small FileSystem made specifically for Floppy
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:30 am
by surya4friends
For FAT12 have look at following links to MS site. ... GEN103.doc
It's well worth if you go through Maurice J. Bach The Design of The UNIX Operating System, Prentice Hall, 1986 FS and buffercache related chapter. This is kinda enlightenment for other aspects. (of course there are other books which u can go through) You can get idea and define filesytem of your own. It is good to have file system independent of device.