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Split String Library Function

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:30 am
by chrisa128
Hi all,

I have just come to creating my "cd" command in my console and have relised I have no way to pass params.

Can anyone give me a pointer on how I should do this.

1 String in = Multiple Strings out

How would I define the Multiple strings out?

Re:Split String Library Function

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:16 am
by Therx
Don't know off hand but if you take a look at the source to some perl interpreter it may help. Perl has a split function which takes the form of something like:-

split(char div, char *buffer);

the div specifies what character seperates the arguments. I'm not sure how you'd return a 3D array in C but you may be able to return it as a standard char* but using the va_start and va_arg macros which are defined as:-

Code: Select all

typedef unsigned char *va_list;


???((sizeof(TYPE) + sizeof(STACKITEM) - 1)???\
??????& ~(sizeof(STACKITEM) - 1))

#define???va_start(AP, LASTARG)???\
???(AP=((va_list)&(LASTARG) + VA_SIZE(LASTARG)))

#define va_end(AP)???/* nothing */

#define va_arg(AP, TYPE)???\
???(AP += VA_SIZE(TYPE), *((TYPE *)(AP - VA_SIZE(TYPE))))
But maybe you'd have the problem that the code to handle the returned value being longer than the parsing code

EDIT : Can you have an array of pointers? As I remember char *pointers[10] won't compile. By the way my method of getting an argument(singular) is to just do a memcpy(arg, buffer + length_of_command, strlen(buffer) - length_of_command);

Re:Split String Library Function

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:41 pm
by Tim
You probably want to implement your own strtok function. If you do that, you won't need to mess with variable argument lists or arrays of pointers.