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Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:44 am
by amirsadig
I implement now task switching without "setjmp" , "longjmp" functions. I would like to use TSS. I have successfully define a TSS Structure and
and load the initial value for the first Task "init" in the TR Register and I have not receive any error. that mean the CPU has accepted my TSS.
now I have define a second task, but I don't know how to make far call or jmp to that task " tss_sekector:tss->eip" with inline assembly in gcc.
I save the value of "tr" in the task_struct and also the TSS.
in gcc I have done that :
" ljmp %0, %1 \n"
::"m"(current_task->tr), "m"(current_task->tss->eip)
then I receive this compiler error:
"too many memory references for `ljmp"
and when I use for "c" for the second operand I receive this :
"suffix or operands invalid for `ljmp'".
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:54 am
by Pype.Clicker
i think you should take back your opcode list and check what "ljmp" expects as arguments. afaik, you have the choice between JMP <constant segment>:<constant offset> or JMP [<memory>] where <memory> is the address of a far pointer (segment & offset where you'd like to jump to).
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:34 am
by amirsadig
the syntax for ljmp in AT&T syntax is :
ljmp segment, offset
ljmp $0x18, $0x10080
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:36 am
by Pype.Clicker
and these are constants. That's why your compiler complains when you give him 2 "m" instead
and he doesn't like "c" (which is %ecx, iirc) aswell.
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:01 am
by amirsadig
then have a solution ? I have search the internet, but no solutions found.
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:27 pm
by amirsadig
could somebody declare me, why this code work to switch to the new TSS :
" ljmp %0 \n"
::"m"(*(((char *)?t_task->tss->tr)-4))
I have found something like this in the first linux version, but there is no declaration.
change the address of current_task->tss->tr to (char *) and then minus 4, then took the value at that address. is right what that code does?
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:15 am
by Pype.Clicker
amirsadig wrote:
" ljmp %0 \n"
::"m"(*(((char *)?t_task->tss->tr)-4))
I have found something like this in the first linux version, but there is no declaration.
is right what that code does?
You should try to find out what that 'TR' field is about. afaik, there is no TR field in a TSS. what i suppose is that the TSS structure has an undocumented field (which has no name) 4 bytes before the "tr" field (maybe this is "BACK" link ?), so they took the address of tss->tr, cast it as a char* (so that pointer arithmetics now have a 1-byte increment) and pick the value at that place to be a far-pointer to the next task.
then a "ljmp [tr-address]" is performed.
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:29 am
by amirsadig
my TSS structure has all TSS information plus the pointer to 33 byte (IO Bitmap) and the tr.
therefor the above code the point to the TOP of the TSS ( bitmap). This what I dont't understand, how the CPU then know the TSS Selector?
struct tss_struct {
unsigned short back_link,__blh;
unsigned long esp0;
unsigned short ss0,__ss0h;
unsigned long esp1;
unsigned short ss1,__ss1h;
unsigned long esp2;
unsigned short ss2,__ss2h;
unsigned long cr3;
unsigned long eip;
unsigned long eflags;
unsigned long eax,ecx,edx,ebx;
unsigned long esp;
unsigned long ebp;
unsigned long esi;
unsigned long edi;
unsigned short es, __esh;
unsigned short cs, __csh;
unsigned short ss, __ssh;
unsigned short ds, __dsh;
unsigned short fs, __fsh;
unsigned short gs, __gsh;
unsigned short ldt, __ldth;
unsigned short trace, bitmap;
unsigned long io_bitmap[IO_BITMAP_SIZE+1];
unsigned long tr; // save the TSS selector (the Kernel change it during task init..)
unsigned long cr2, trap_no, error_code;
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:38 am
by Pype.Clicker
okay. This is because ljmp expects a "far pointer" :
Code: Select all
fp: db 78,56,34,12,CD,AB
jmp far [fp]
is equivalent to
In our case, the segment is a task gate, which means the offset will be just dropped. So what Linus&co made is to let the offset be some garbage (in the IO map) and have the segment being TR.
hence the "-4" which goes backward to have iomap[N-3..N] as the offset part.
Re:Task Switching using ( TSS ) ?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:45 am
by amirsadig
hi, Thank you very much for help. thanks again.