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DJGPP ELF Linker problems

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:46 pm
by Unspoken_Magi

Code: Select all

ld-elf -O2 -s -o .\bin\kernel.elf -T .\kernel\kernel.ld .\o\kstart.o
Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV
General Protection Fault at eip=00067ac7
eax=fff50008 ebx=000001ff ecx=000002b7 edx=fff50000 esi=00000008 edi=00000000
ebp=000ba018 esp=000ba008 program=H:\NZ\DJGPP\BIN\ld-elf.exe
cs: sel=0517  base=02b70000  limit=7d47ffff
ds: sel=051f  base=02b70000  limit=7d47ffff
es: sel=051f  base=02b70000  limit=7d47ffff
fs: sel=04ef  base=00011f70  limit=0000ffff
gs: sel=052f  base=00000000  limit=ffffffff
ss: sel=051f  base=02b70000  limit=7d47ffff

Call frame traceback EIPs:
make.exe: *** [.\bin\kernel.elf] Error -1
It crashes DJGPP make, but it works if I type it at the prompt.

ld-elf -O2 -s -o .\bin\kernel.elf -T .\kernel\kernel.ld .\o\kstart.o

Re:DJGPP ELF Linker problems

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:28 pm
by df
if this is under windows, well djgpp does not work very well with windows.

cygwin works perfectly with windows...

cant really help ya much.

Re:DJGPP ELF Linker problems

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 4:01 pm
by Unspoken_Magi
I'm not THAT willing to switch compilers... :(

DJGPP works fine, but the ld-elf and gcc-elf files I just downloaded, and they don't seem to work...

Re:DJGPP ELF Linker problems

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 4:36 pm
by beyondsociety
Thats because djgpp doesn't support elf unless you re-compile it do so. Here the link on what you need to do in order to support elf on DJGPP.

If you have already done this, then I can't really help you. Df knows alot more about supporting elf than I do.

Hope this helps.