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What should i have to know to begin OSDEV??

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 11:33 am
by engine252
Look i would like to create my own os i know that ihavent got all the knolledge for that so what should i know to get started.

i know c++ a little bit, well i cinda get stuk on the inheritance but that hase nothing to do whith osdev wright??

I see there is a lot of bitmanipulation dune in

isn't there some book like an OS in 24 hours or something???

heres some open questions i have.

where did you get your knolledge?
can i use bloodshed for osdev?
what platform do you use to program?
how long did you take to get you first working os?
are there tutorials on osdev if so where can i find theme?

Re:What should i have to know to begin OSDEV??

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:00 pm
by guest
isn't there some book like an OS in 24 hours or something???
See Sticky Post about books

where did you get your knolledge?
By reading posts here and in alt.os.development, by searching the net, google etc.

can i use bloodshed for osdev?
only the IDE, but you can download DJGPP (gcc for DOS/Win) for free from You also need NASM (x86 assembler)

what platform do you use to program?
Windows 98 with DJGPP and NASM

how long did you take to get you first working os?
In real mode(16bit) - a few days
In Protected mode(32bit) - just over a month

are there tutorials on osdev if so where can i find theme?

Hope this helps

Re:What should i have to know to begin OSDEV??

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:02 pm
by Whatever5k
so what should i know to get started
Learn programming. C is quite good...
i know c++ a little bit
That is not enough...
isn't there some book like an OS in 24 hours or something???
Are you serious? ;)
Well, there are many books out there, I suggest you have a look at the "Book Recommendation" thread, which can be found at ... eadid=1251.
where did you get your knolledge?
From this board, from friends, from alt.os.development and from OS: Design and Implementation
what platform do you use to program?
I use Linux, but you may also use Windows or another Operating System which has a good programming environment...
how long did you take to get you first working os?
Well, what do you mean with your "first working OS"? The complete finished one? There is no stage where you can call your OS "finished"...currently, I'm working on my memory manager (as good as finished), I think it took me one month...
are there tutorials on osdev if so where can i find theme?
Have a look around here, maybe this link helps you:

good luck,
A. Blessing

Re:What should i have to know to begin OSDEV??

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:47 pm
by jrfritz
Welll....Operating Systems: Design and Implementation is VERY helpful....teaches you almost everything....

bitmaps? those are mostly only used in memory managment and the GUI....

LOL: OS in 24 hours

If that OS would be complete already.....

Re:What should i have to know to begin OSDEV??

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 2:11 am
by kerim
As much as I know, it is a little bit hard to use C++ in OS development, because it is object-oriented language.
But you can use C (I use assembler and Pascal).

1. from the Web, forums like this one, books ... do a search on Google and you'll find a lot of sites covering that topic

2. currently, I use NASM and Turbo Pascal 7.0 under WinXP, but soon I should move to plain DOS

3. to make a simple bootable kernel you need few days (or just one, it depends on you)

Happy coding ;)

Re:What should i have to know to begin OSDEV??

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 2:33 pm
by engine252
why can't you make a kernel object oriented and i thought c++ whas a superset of c so.... ???

and i moved to djgpp now but when i tried using
iostream the compiler says something like use on of the ... standard header files i thought this one whas standard?

and hey guys i do realy search on search machines so please don't think i'm leasy and lett you guys do all the searching.
but thanks for all the replys thou. ;)

Re:What should i have to know to begin OSDEV??

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 4:49 pm
by Pype.Clicker
The problem with C++ is that it requires a runtime support library for some of its feature (like exceptions handling, run-time type informations, etc.)
And the other problem is that this runtime library is compiler dependent ... It *is* possible to use C++ , but usually discouraged because it introduce unnecesary complexity at start.

check out where whyme_t came with his C++ kernel tutorial ...