writing to consecutive sectors

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writing to consecutive sectors

Post by weathermanfrank »

HI ya'll

I've got my self in a bit of a jam here. I can't figure out how to write to consecutive sectors on a floppy in linux. When I try to use dd and write my first stage to disk then the second stage to disk only the second stage boots. It's like the first stage get over writen. If any one could give me a hand I would be thankful.


Re:writing to consecutive sectors

Post by Schol-R-LEA »

To quote the man page for dd(1), subheading 'options':

[tt] seek=n Skip n blocks from beginning of output file before copying.[/tt]

I think this is what you are looking for.

I was really tempted to blow this off with an RTFM, but I know how obtuse the options for [tt]dd(1)[/tt] are. Besides, I would prefer be helpful if I can rather than disrupt the goodwill of the board, even with fairly simple questions. Still, it only took me about fifteen seconds to bring up a copy of the man page through a Google search on "man dd(1)", read through the options list, and find the option in question. From a Linux box, it wouldn't have even taken that long to run [tt]man(1)[/tt] in an xterm.

It really pays to know how to look things up effectively; it is at least as important a skill as actual coding proficency is, if not moreso. It is a difficult skill to master, and requires a fair amount of knowledge in it's own right, which is why I didn't just tell you off. This is a lesson (or rather, lessons: one for the querents and the other for the respondents) which several people here could use to learn.

Despite this, I hope that this helps, Weathermanfrank, and that there is no ill will because of it.

Re:writing to consecutive sectors

Post by weathermanfrank »

Thank you, and there is no ill will. I understande where you are coming from so I good. Thank you again.

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