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About TSS Gate

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 9:31 pm
by sturmstiger
Can anyone tell me what's the difference between task switching using TSS and TSS Gate? Thanks.


Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 9:58 pm
by sturmstiger
By the way,I don't quite understand the use of RPL in selectors.Do I need to give it a value or the CPU would put CPL into it while executing? Thanks.

Re:About TSS Gate

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 10:13 pm
by sturmstiger
Do those HD devices use DMA?

Re:About TSS Gate

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2003 1:49 am
by Pype.Clicker
a TSS gate is a pointer to a TSS. by calling/jumping it, you can do the same operation as if you were calling/jumping the TSS itself, BUT gates can be stored in IDT and LDT while TSS MUST reside in GDT ... so basically, gates are used to give a specific TSS the ability to call another one, even from user level.

The DPL field of the task gate is the required level to call that gate. I guess the DPL filed of the TSS do the same, but i wouldn't set TSS.DPL!=0 if i were you ...