placing string into DS:SI

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placing string into DS:SI

Post by Mr_Spam »

i'm trying to print a string in my boot loader, but its not working. I belive its that my string is not being loaded correctly into DS:SI. The function looks something like this:

lds si, [msg] ;mov si, [msg] dosn't work either
cmp al, 0
je done
mov ah, 0Eh
int 10h
jmp print

blah blah blah debugging crap then

msg dw "MESSAGE", 0

the int instruction in the loop is never executed, and it jumps to done in the first time through the loop.


Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by beyondsociety »

Try this

Code: Select all


     mov ah, 0x0E          ; Teletype mode
     mov bh, 0x00          ; Page number


     lodsb               ; Load [si] into al and increment si
     or al, al            ; Set the Zero Flag if al = 0
     jz .return         ; If the Zero Flag isset,  jumpto .return
     int 0x10           ; Call BIOS video function
     jmp .nextchar    ; Loop around to write next character


     ret                   ; Return
To call it, all you have to do is this:

Code: Select all

mov si, bootmsg
call PrintMsg

Code: Select all

bootmsg db 'Its working", 13, 10, 0
Hope this helps!

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Curufir »

Previous post's code looks good, use that.

Just wanted to clear up what seems to be a fairly common gotcha in NASM syntax.

Here goes nothing.

Code: Select all

vChar    db   0x8h
This code sets vChar to be the memory offset to the data. Ie the label vChar is a pointer to the actual memory location of the data, not the value of the data.

Code: Select all

mov ax, vChar
This moves the value of the pointer into ax. I think a C example might be something like someVar=*vChar (My C isn't too good so that may be an incorrect example, but the meaning should be plain)

Code: Select all

mov al, [vChar]
This moves the value of the byte (Because al is byte sized so the value is assumed byte sized) pointed to by vChar into register al. Once again, I think a C example would be simply someVar=vChar.

Don't mean to go on about it if this is something you already know, but it is essential in both C and ASM that people are comfortable with both the differences between pointers and values and how to handle them within their code.

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by .bdjames »

16 bit

lds si, [string]

32 bit

lea esi, [string]
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Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Pype.Clicker »

.bdjames wrote: 16 bit

lds si, [string]

32 bit

lea esi, [string]
this assumes that strings is a segment:offset pointer, not an array of char to be displayed.

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Mr_Spam »

Its still not working :-\
heres what i have now:

mov si, msg
call displ
mov ax, 0E07h ;beep function
int 10 ;beep!
jmp freez
mov ah, 0Eh
mov bh, 0x0
or al, al
jz .done
int 10h
jmp .putch

msg db "hello", 0

It beeps when its ran but it still dosn't display the string
for some reason i am most sceptical about the mov si, msg and the lodsb directives

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Mr_Spam »

after some more debugging of that function, i have found that the lodsb command loads 0 into al on the first attempt and all attempts after. what series of commands would replace the functionality of the lodsb command?

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Mr_Spam »

after even more and more hours of debugging, it has end up that even this simple code dosn't display crap, only moves the curser 1 char.

mov al, [msg]
mov ah, 0Eh
int 10h
freez: jmp freez


msg db 61h ; letter a

???? what the h*ll? ??? ??? ???

this works:

mov al, 61h
mov ah, 0Eh
int 10h
freez: jmp freez

I am extreemly puzzeld. Through ours of debugging, al is always 0 because the contents of si is 0 after i mov si, msg in the original functions.

I am extreemly confused ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

any insight would be MUCH apreciated!!!



Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Curufir »

Ok, I'll admit that I just do not see how this is difficult. Anyhow, here's some code.

Code: Select all

;* Simple print function for 0 terminated strings using teletype mode *
;* Takes DS:SI as a pointer to the string being printed               *
???push ax
???push bx
???mov ah, 0x0e
???mov bx, 0x0007
???or al, al
???jz short .2
???int 0x10
???jmp short .1
???pop bx
???pop ax
Here's how you would declare a string.

Code: Select all

vStr???db 'Hello World',13,10,0
Here's how to use it.

Code: Select all

???mov si, vStr
???call near BIOS_Print
Note that DS had better be a relevant segment, the value you should set it to depends on wether or not you are using org. This is a common gotcha, expecially after the pmode switch.

Amazingly enough this should look almost exactly like the previous example by beyondsociety. There's only a few ways to print strings in BIOS efficiently.

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Mr_Spam »

[attachment deleted by admin]

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Mr_Spam »

[attachment deleted by admin]

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Mr_Spam »

new break through after more debugging:

if i put a string into the varriable after the program starts executing, it prints the string.

mov dword [msg], 'test'
mov si, msg
call displ
jmp $
mov ah, 0Eh
mov, bh, 0
cmp al, 0
je .done
int 10h
jmp .putch
msg db 0
if i predeclare the varriable with the string it don't work.
any one know why or how to fix it?




Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Iteration »

BootSector Segment
Assume Cs:BootSector
Org 7C00h
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov bx,offset Boot_Message
mov cx,offset Boot_Message_delim - Boot_Message

mov al,byte ptr [bx]
inc bx
mov ah,0eh
push bx
mov bx,0007h
int 10h
pop bx
Loop Display_String

jmp String_Done

db "Hello World!",0

BootSector ENDS
END Start

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by richie »

I think the previous poster is right. As it seems to me you have a problem in reading data from variables and not printing data. So I think you make a mistake in setting ds right. The best ting you can do is using org 0x7c00 and than copying cs to ds:

Code: Select all

org 0x7c00

;Start of bootsector

 mov ax, cs
 mov ds, ax

; Now you should be able to access data
; ...


;here you can put your data
Be careful that your bootsector is smaller than 512 bytes. If a variable has the value 0 but you set it to a non-zero value it would be possible that you did something wrong in addressing this variable. (at system bootup the whole memory is set to zero).

I hope that helps you solving your problem.

Re:placing string into DS:SI

Post by Mr_Spam »


the big differance,

mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax


ive beeen breating my brains out over this for days!! thank you sooo much!!
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